A HUGE THANK YOU to Joe for designing and creating this amazing poster to advertise this year’s school show at Holywood.
Hope to see you all at the show!
Miss Dale
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
At my school on Thursday we have Big Thursdays where we have drama and we where doing Murder Mystery at a dinner party in a manor house! The person who was killed was…THE EARL! (the earl was the man who owned the house.)It was very fun because my character was the lady.(the wife)
At school in Holywood we are currently learning drama on Thursday . in drama we have already made are characters for a Dinner Party, a special dinner party were one particular person well die…! The Person how died was, the Earl the one how hosted the party. we are all suspects to the murder and there are a bunch of people there, the class was split up into different group acting out what would of happened if there characters were the murderer! But to exorcise there acting skills be for that they normally play Wink Murder which is a lot of fun!
Thanks for reading, by Daisy
so in s.t.e.m what we have been doing is Mrs. Jardine has been showing us videos about earthquakes and flods. And then we have to build a house that will protect the people living in side. We only get to use the resources that she gives us. Hannah and my tower survived the earthquake and me and my other group still need to finish.
On Thursday we done some drama with miss Stapleton. We had to make up a murder story for our characters we made up the week before i made up the mysterious Rose Evergarden.It was based on a fancy dinner party on all these different guests like Adam venture and Miles O`naire he was the earl the most important person if you don`t know who the earl is he or she is the host of the dinner party. After we finished practising in our groups the murder scene we performed them in front of the class my groups was wine poisoning after that we went for lunch. by Josie
On Thursday we have drama and we play wink murder and diner party and we have to work in gropes play and make characters and work it out in gropes so they can help you out and oliver was the best at dying.
Hi its Sarah!!! On big Thursday we did drama with miss stapultun. I mead a lade at a diner party. But we had to stop because we were doing a game it is were there is a detective and a murder. The detective is behind the Dore and we pick a murder the detective comes back in if the murder locks at youyou are dead.
On Thursday we have drama and that is our third or second subject on Thursday. We usually get to play 4 or 5 rounds of wink murder and we are working on minding skills there is this guest party dinner when we have all of these characters and we got to make up there personality’s. Like one was called Adam venture he like the outdoors if you throw him outside he would build a shelter and live in it for is long is he wants to hears a other person the earl he is like the owner of the party and he is all rich.
by jack
on big Thursday p5-7 in stem have been tasked to take a flood prof house for a imaginary island prone to floods so we had to make the safest home
in drama we have been playing murder mystery and we where playing winky murder. in winky murder somebody gets chosen to be the murder and somebody gets chosen to be the detective and the detective has to go outside of the room then when you have chosen the murder the everybody sais detective detective there’s going to be a murder then the murder bilks or winks at you then you have to act dead the murder gets 2 shots at guessing who the murder is.