new Lanark school trip


On Friday we went to new Lanark. it was a really long bus journey there was two buses one was a coach bus one was a mini bus. we went to the school what the children would of went to. the tables were a big line so were the tables so were the chairs. we had to write the alphabet in cursive writing and  we had to write on slate boards and write with slate pencils. and at mr owens school brought a crocodile in for five shillings I thought that would of been crazy having a crocodile in your class room I would of thought it would of got out its cage.  we went on this ride what was in a big egg thing. there were holograms and manikins  with a moving face. and there was a windo what said nursery and hoagrams of children came up to the window and waved at the window. there were things shaped as a face and when you got to it a face would a peer and it gave me a jump scare. and it was as slow as a slug it went at some thing like one kmh. the ride was twelve mins long it felt like twelve hours long. my partner was Bruce at the end there was lots of people waiting at the end because we were some of the last people to get on the ride. then after that we had to walk in to the café and to get out and the mile. then we went in to one of the houses what you could walk a round and see what things would of been like back then and the toilet was huge and there was a bed room what was that small you could not walk in it and there were two double décor beds. it looked big from the out side but was small.
















New Lanark trip blog !! :)

on Friday the whole school went to New Lanark to lean about what is was like to live in the Victorian times  . p 5-7 went to the school first the teacher was loud

New Lanark

On Friday morning we went to New Lanark. We were to be at school at about 8 o’clock and to get on the bus at half 8. I didn’t know that so I was late. When we got there I was pretty excited. It was very big.

New Lanark trip

On Friday we went to a lace called new Lanark. New Lanark is a Victorian time weaving village and even in the 1810s did not have any physical punishment.

We went there for the whole day and started the bus journey at around 1/4 to 9. It was a little bit delayed because me and my little sister rhona were late.

When we got there it was bigger than I expected and we got to see what life as a school child there was like by going to a huge Victorian time classroom and take a lesson from a guy pretending to be a Victorian teacher, he was so convincing that I actually believed he had traveled forward in time. We got to have lunch at a huge park we played about at the park and played manhunt for a bit before getting some stuff from the giftshop.

New Lanark

Last week the hole school went to new Lanark  last week we were split up to groups were p1-3 and p4-7  to-do p4-7 had a teacher what was strict.

Fantastic New Lanark Friday

Hello everybody its Cleo. I’m going to be telling you all about when we went to New Lanark on Friday. It was an awesome place! New Lanark is were children went  to school in Victorian times and also were they lived. It was about a 1 hour drive. When we got there we went down to were the school was and we all heard a bell go. we went up stairs and there was a man pretending to be a teacher from back then. He was very stricked and the boys and girls were separated. We had black boards instead of paper. I was a little bit scared of him but I got used to it. After we went to this place were there was a ride! It was were this voice from this little girl would tell you about what they done in the Victorian times. Apparently there was ghosts and spirits in that room and I’m a big fan of ghosts and spirits. Then we went for some lunch and played in the park! When everybody finished there lunch we went in the houses to see what they were like and we went to the shop to buy some things and then we went back to school. By Cleo!

New Lanark

On Friday our whole school went to a Victorian village called new Lanark it took over an hour to get there. When we got there we had our snack then split into p1-3  and  p4-7 firstly i went to Robert Owens school for children we had to write the Victorian alphabet. It was very much like ours just a bit different secondly we done a history lesson about a crocodile it wasn’t real though then we did some dancing said our goodbyes and was off to the Annie McLeod experience it was very good .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     



School at New Lanark

Last weak on the 20th of September the whole school went to new Lanark, We got divided in to groups of 2 the first group had p1-3 and the second group was p4-7.

The first task we done was ( Go to the old school )…

At the school there was a ringing a bell, so we followed the bell sounds at the top of the stares there was a man with a bell ringing he shouted ” SILENCE “. After he introduced himself we all went to the classroom… everything was wooden. the teacher told us to go in 2 rows of girls and boys separate when we done that he started telling us that we had to do a warm up the warm up was marching on the spot.Once we done that we went and sat on chairs for the start of the lesson the teacher was very strict about girls and boys because we had to sit at separate sides of the room of them. The first thing he said to us was that we are VERY late… We had to have our feet straight on the ground and arms crossed? There was a slate and chalk for the writing. The teacher told us that we have to copy a cursive hand writing alphabet once we all done that we went ahead and done some normal math.

When the lesson was done we done a timed dance with the person standing in front of us.

By Merissa


on Friday the 20th. We went to newlanerk all day we had the exspearince of Victorian time school it was fun. He shouted al lot then we went on the Annie mcloud ride then we went to have launch after we got to play at the park. Later we went in to the workers corteges. Then we went into the shop I bot a slinky and two packets of skittle.

New Lanark

At new was fun at new Lanark and we did work at new Lanark/ at a class a gay tech us to do a afbelat in a class and we got to march in the class and was fun in the class satad in the classroom we had to lissing at the teacher in the class.

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