In computer science p3/4 have been creating a power point about Caerlaverock-here is some pictures.
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
Harry’s First Sleepover
I liked that Harry had a sleepover.
I did not like that the leafs banged on the window.
By Anneliese
On Wednesday the5 08.05.19 we had a workshop we made juggling balls it fells like melted ice in lumps. A person called Lucy helped us. W e made them with balloons And rice to make them we had plastic cups
Today p 3/4 were making juggling balls. They feel very funny. There very hard we were learning to juggle with our juggling balls. my ones were blue and red my favourite part was making them.
Today we made juggling balls.It was a science workshop it was very fun though. We made it out of balloons and rice.It was kind of like a stress ball it was very fun to play with though. The colours I used to make my balls were blue, white and red. We made 2 balls each!
On Wednesday we made juggling balls with balloons. To make them we took a plastic cup and filled it with rice. Then we put the rice in a plastic bag. Then we wrapped the bag. We put the excess of the bag over the rice and the bit of the bag we had twisted. We stretched a balloon and then put it over the plastic bag. But it had a hole in it so we put the other balloon over so that our juggling balls were two different colours.
By Lottie and Olivia
P3-4 did a science workshop (after break) and made 2 juggling balls each. We used rice and balloons . We talked about gravity and stuff like that. It was really fun!
By Hannah
After break p3/4 got to do science. In science p3/4 were making juggling balls. It was fun because we made them with rice and balloons and bags. We filled the bags with rice and then put the balloons on top. My bag had a tiny hole in it, but the lady who helped us to make them said it would be okay because the balloons would hold it tight.
by Bailey.
After break we were making stress balls we each made 2 it was super fun we got to take them home we made 34 all together. We made them out of two balloons with the top cut off a plastic bag a plastic cup and some rice. We tried to juggle them I found it quiet easy.
Wednesday 8 May 2019
1.We put rice into bags.
2.Next we got two balloons and then put them over the bags.
3.After we made more we made two for everyone.
4.Oh and make sure to cut off the bottom of the balloons.
5.Play and juggle your new balls.