Environment day

last Friday we had environment day there was 5 different stations and we only had 45 minutes on each activity. At the start of the day miss dale put us into groups I was in group 4 and we went to miss Stapleton first her activity was called beach box. Basically she went out to a beach and got loads of stuff and numbered them and we had to say if they should be on the beach or not and what it is. Next we had miss Dale with her we were seeing how long it takes for plastic to start  getting smaller and smaller because it never disappear. after break we had miss Brockie Donald  we seen how much we through away in a week and sorted it out into paper rubbish single use plastic and reusable plastic . after lunch we had miss Jarden  we were doing food miles seeing how long it takes for you food from the field to your plate then our last activate was with miss Macintyre we were making stuff out of plastic like friend ship bracelets and other stuff with plastic



by dakota

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