we do plastic and we were doing five dafter stashing and we mad
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
we do plastic and we were doing five dafter stashing and we mad
In math we were doing money work but yesterday we did an end of topic assessment I enjoyed it, although I was quite confused on some of the questions.
Quick writing
so when ever the teachers decide to do it we have 15 mins to write a well descripted story and NO lists. So we get a title and we need to write a story your trying to get to the bottom of the page with a well descripted story
by Dakota and daisy
we are doing a jesses topic. today we where bacon fruit crumble and peach butterscotch pudding for soup and launch.
Today we were making soup and pudding but P5 to 7 were doing the pudding then P3/4 were making the soup. Want to hear what pudding we made? Yes? Ok I will tell you. We made upside down peach and butterscotch pudding and fruit crumble. The one I want to try is the upside down peach and butterscotch pudding.
by Sarah and Cleo
I WAS Backing a cake and like
Today we are having a soup and pudding lunch at school p5,6,7 made the pudding . P3-4 made the soup for it . Hope you have enough room for pudding because it is yummy
by James and Josie
Today we are hosting a soup and dessert lunch! Primary 3 and 4 have made the soup while Primary 5, 6 and 7 have made the desserts! We got the fun part in my opinion! Hahahaha! The parents are coming and they get to eat our delicious meal! (Someone asked “is this a spoon?” while making their dessert) I hope you enjoy! Heh… HeHeHe… Heh…
We got a new wellie stand that looks slightly (*cough cough* a lot) like a wishing well but with wooden pegs coming out of it. It is nice though!
We are making robots in class with the old stuff (junk that we took out of old things) in the crafting shed! Georgia, Ebony and myself are making a radio child. It has legs. They are wooden pegs. His name is Rover. He is named after the space rover which has been in space for years.
By Kaylan
On Monday the 29th of April 2019 me and my class went outside to do some bird watching. We had two sheets of paper that had different birds on it. We had a bird book it was very fun. The people in my group was Oriana, Skye, Rhona and my self Dakota .Here are some of the birds I saw blackbird, crow , pigeon, magpie.
by Dakota
Hi Everyone,
Thank you so much for all your lovely messages. I miss you all and so hope to be back with you all soon. I love being able to read what you have all been up to and looks like I am missing out on lots of fun.
Hope you all have a great Easter holiday and keep up the good work.
Mrs Queen
I just wanted to say we miss you and we hope you have a very happy Easter