learning at Holywood !!!

Lately we have been doing legal drug work , I am doing work about calpol so I am going to find the positives and the negatives. (  here is a fact , you can get addicted  to calpol and calpol is also very dangerous if you use it too much ! ) for our work we have to create a bigger box of calpol (  or the medicine that you are doing  ) and write all the instructions on the back and copy the front on to yours.

At math’s we have been learning percentages like 10% , 20% , 25% and 50% ( also there is others ) but with those percentages we have been doing money work that is like 50% off of a chocolate bar !!!

We have been practicing for cross country since last month and tomorrow is the big day because it will be cross country tomorrow !!! 🙂 we have been doing 5-8min runs around the field.

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