You read the title! You now know that our school is diseased! This sickness disease is taking over the entire school! You never know who’s next…. one minute you will be frolicking through the football pitch, and the next there will be sick all down your jumper and all over your shoes.
We had over 21 people off one week and 3 members of the Holywood Staff Team. Please keep your sickness to yourself! *laughs but it turns into a cry*
I’m lucky enough to not have had the sick bug. *coughs* yet…. (touch wood!!!)
Apart from having this bug making its rounds, we have continued classes like normal (apart from a couple of days when we were running low on staff) and we all had a fun red nose day.
On red nose day, we watched 2 movies. We watched some Road Runner episodes and we also watched the animated Grinch. The new one! And we also did pie face, pin the red nose on the clown and had ice-cream and a buffet lunch!!
Also…. never mind what my best friend Georgia said in her last blog. Those dances and songs are amazing! There is nothing wrong with them, I really liked them…. *laughs evily*
By Kaylan