It is been 100 years ww1 rnemberece day was for the soldiers how gave there life to save other people a life hundred of thousand’s lost their life’s because if it was not for them we would not live like we do now by James
big Thursday
big Thursday is a day where we have fun and do fore things 1 PE 2 knex and Lego 3 Music 4 kodu and that is it this is short but bay
world war 1
P6-p7 went to the Dumfries Museum there were 4 groups of 4 the first one did was TRUE OR FALSE! btw are group was the eagles. The next challenge was the memory game then every pic tell a story after that what make germens convince them that your one of them (this is in order) that’s it yeah it was great.
Table top sale
We were doing a table top sale at holywood school . That was my favourite thing at school. After everybody went home we tided up in the hall. Then if you were staying for football training and my team won the match and I was in the football training when it started.
by jack and Leland
WWI (world war one) was said to be THE most devastating war that was ever fought. Millions of people died. I liKe TUrtLes
It sprung up at 1914-1918. We studied it last year. It was our topic. We went to a ww1 museum expedition. It was at the Dumfries museum. It was really fun, It was like we were being trained to be Spy’s. By two strangly dressed people.
By charlie
Big Thursday
On Thursday we do different thing that are interactive and fun. we do stem with miss Stapleton, music with miss brockydonald, computing science with miss McIntyre witch is actually really interesting and handy to know :)!!! We also are currently working on too different topic based posters!!! the first based one is about science but for the P7 we have to do a poster about operation safety, but the new people are doing a poster about the school Holywood cant wait to see them all. The second based one is about plastic and recycling it, both topics are very interesting.
thank you for reading my blog By Daisy and Paul
world war 1 exhibition
ww1: we went to a ww1 exhibition at Dumfries museum on Friday we did a memory test my team the wolves we did not that bad at it but we were did a suitcase with a shirt,tablet recipe, flashlight they had all got so that we get us in jail in world war in Germany with the flashlight you can hide something in it and there was a waistcoat with a English brand on it. we also did a spot the wrong thing in a picture and a picture of a Victorian family on a birthday it was very hard with a picture of a boy that spelled out Ypres I loved every bit of it I would go back.
by Euan and Georgia
WW1 Museum
on Friday we went to a ww1 museum and it was really fun and interesting.
When we went in there was a woman and a solder standing and the woman said when I clap my hands we would go back in time…WE DID.
We were the agents we also got put into groups and in our groups we had group names Dakotas group name was owls
and my name was wolf.
then from there we done tasks and it was really fun.
By Ebony and Dakota
Table top sale
On Friday there was a table top sale. I bought two new cars for my car collection. One of them were gold and grey engine on the bonnet and fast. The other one was a truck it is yellow and on the back was a crane it also is little slow. Orla bought five bags of cute figures there were shiny ones and bright one and ones with no heads it was funny! Orla also bought a broach it had pretty flowers.
Big Thursday And The Wizard Of Oz!!!!
We have been Practicing for the School Show which this year is the Wizard Of Oz! The Main Character is Dorothy played By Dakota in P6. The rest of the Main Parts are:
Glinda: Cleo and Ebony
Tin Man: Hannah and James
Scarecrow: Sonny and Lewis
Lion: Euan and Kaylan
Witch: Merissa
Wizard Of Oz: Charlie and Paul.
There are lots of other good parts to play but those are the Main Ones.
In Big Thursday, We do P.E First and we did Rugby with one of the Scottish Rugby Coaches. We do P.E with Miss Jardine, But not the one that works in the Office. Then we do S.T.E.M which means Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Maths). In Stem, we build with K-Nex and Lego. That is with Miss Stapeleton. Then we do Music with Miss Brochy-Donald. We are Learning Living On A Prayer and we used the Drums. We Drum Rhythms to each other. And we are learning the Songs For The Wizard Of Oz. The Last thing we do is Computer Science with Miss McIntyre. We have been using Kodu Game Lab to make Worlds and Code the Objects we put into it. We also learned about Internet Safety Last Thursday and some of the Ages you had to be or be over really surprised us, Like YouTube is over 13 with Parental Agreement and that 18 is the actual age you should be without Permission. Some of the Ages are 13-18 Years old.
By Cleo and Kaylan