in the holydays

in my holydays I walked up to wind mills they are loud. I slept at my dads I was riding a horse my sister also had a shot. my sister got chicken pokes in tree we weeks I am going to Florida. I was also playing with my uncle’s black German going to Aberdeen a birthday party  

Carrier ideas

My dream is to be a famous movie star. I want to be a star in my own films, (Meaning the ones I wrote the book for). I am writing books right now. A series of them that I am writing, Including one that I am writing now called OUTLAWS, and one I am planning to write called WHAT IF…

Now I may only be 10 years old, but it is my dream. Nothing will stop me from trying. I cannot wait till I manage it. So I will keep on trying.

I hope I get the job before I am 18.


Big Thursday – Mix Up!

Today is the last Big Thursday of the term so that means it is a mix up day!

Pupils are mixed from P1 to P7 and get a chance to work beside older and younger pupils.

Pupils still go to lessons in Outdoor Skills, P.E., Computer Science and Art.

So far everyone is calling it the best Big Thursday ever!!

Off to see Paul and Greg’s VIP den for the teachers. Can’t wait!


Hello to Mrs Martin and her team at Gretna

Good Afternoon!


Can I just say a huge thank you for all your comments. It is great to know that our posts are being read.

We will try to answer a few of your requests after the holidays.

We are looking to purchase new video cameras and may need Mrs Martin’s help to buy them and use them to put films online – it is a long time since we tried to.


Have a great holiday when it comes!

Thanks again,

Miss Dale and Team Holywood


My name is Larsson. Mrs Queen takes me and Ella we  do maths. I was doing my three times table. I was doing money. I am good at it.

My Learning


We were doing some maths. We were doing some times tables and adding and take away sums. We were doing sums with Miss Stapleton. I like it was good.

My first post

My name is Cleo. I have just moved to Holywood  but I came from North West Community Campus. I moved because it was to big!

The things that are different are this is my first post! I started at this school yesterday. Also the other different stuff about this school is its much more small and there’s not as much people as there was in North West Community Campus.

What we did at North West Community Campus was Georges marvoulse medicne and space for our topics. We also done beat maths in the morning. Then we all went to St Ninians. We done the same things as we done at North West. I still didn’t like it because we were going back to North West in 6 months. I don’t really like crowds.  Also the playground was a playground NOBODY HAVE EVERY SEEN BEFORE! IT WAS THAT BIG! The teachers didn’t even like it so it was a terrible life fro all of us but how could the community make the ice bowl but not the school? My teachers were Mr. forsyth, Miss. limend , Mrs Mecrocren and Kelly. We done a lot of art and less of other things. my favrouite subjects were maths and art because we done them EVERY DAY! That’s all for me. bye


learning at holywood Pokémon comes back

kaylan got us Pokémon trading back in school witch is good because I love Pokémon and trading to get good cards most of the people are trading at brake time for leaning at holywood is fun we are learning about magnets it is very fun we are making posters about it



by Erin and Dakota Pokémon

Learning today

Today at holywood we were making our magnet poster and doing maths. Everyone in P5-7 Had to finish there’s (Or at least progress in it).

We did French as well, If we are doing French then we always do it in the time after lunch were everyone wants it to be hometime. Hometimes are always the best bit of the day, For me and most of the other kids at my school. Also yesterday my dad hired a van and drove me and rhona to school in it. The van had three seats in the front of it.


By Charlie


learning at holywood

So far we have been doing brain bursting science we called it that because it almost made p5-p7’s brains burst yeah… We had to write a sentence about Mass, Weight and Gravity. Weight is not how heavy an object is it is about how much pull gravity has on it. Told you it would burst your brain!

So, what else… ummm… my magnet poster is coming along.   It’s about facts of magnets and different variety of magnets such as horse shoe, bar and we have new strong magnets also I am not joking.

That is all.

Good bye,


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