Surprise welcome back to the blogs!!!

to come today we are joined by Daisy are new pupil and we are doing a Springfield vs Holywood (Springfield is the school that Daisy used to go to)

Springfield vs Holywood

1. In the class in the morning on Monday we first do Go noodle then we do grammar.

1. in the morning we do  our  Kelley dancing then we do wake up shake up then we do spelling work out.

2. After that we have brake and we play football or we go on the timber trail.

2. After that we have brake and we do a lot of interesting stuff such as playing football and build dens the best thing to do is the POWER OF THE PEN!!!!!

3. Thirdly we do math and sometimes we do write to tops

3.math we play somdog,  sheets, asments , games , and x3,4,6,7,8,9,times table.




by James daisy 





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