It has been absolutely roasting and we are like; where did all this heat come from?! Of course we are enjoying this weather and are always hoping for this weather because it is Scotland. Make sure you are putting on sunscreen so you stay safe in the sun and you don’t turn into a sausage. Also drink a lot of water, trust me- it helps. We are all dying because when it is only 22 degrees it feels like 823 to us! But that’s only because we are used to rain. Enjoy this lovely sunny weather while you can people! It’s only here for a while and when its gone you will moan at it for raining! That’s because when it is warm like this we want it to be cooler but when it is cold we moan at it because we want it to be warm. Get used to the weather being like this, it’s Scotland and it will always be like this so enjoy it while you can; it won’t be here for much longer and… Stop moaning about our weather, just appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Kaylan