cross country !!!!!!!

today we where doing cross country and I was nervous because my dad was there. Gavin was exited and energetic. we sat and waited for  our turn. It was freezing. finally it was our turn and we ran at the start and got a bit tired but we went on Gavin got 8th place and I got 21st.    

Cross Country… (nooooooooooooooooooo)

Today we went to the Cross Country Competition at The King George Arena with p4-7. We all got on the mini buses and when we got there we went to the places we where supposed to sit. Then we all got our numbers and we sat waiting for the other schools to arrive. Euan’s number was 249, Kaylan’s number was 181 and Georgia’s number was 180.

When all of the schools had arrived Mrs Byers announced the order of the races and then called up the p4-5 from the middle schools. Miss Dale was organising the p4-5 boys for the little school by taking them to the bathroom, but then Mrs Byers told Miss Dale that we were now ranked as a middle school because we had more than 50 people. Miss Dale had to tell the boys they didn’t have time to go because they were having to race so they ran to the starting line. After a while it was the p6-7 middle school race so everyone ran to line up. The race was really hard and we found it exhausting. After the race our legs felt like lead and everything hurt and we felt like giving up and we couldn’t breath and we were thirsty and tired and wanted to go back to bed, but we made it… except our insides were left behind in the middle of the field. So was our breath. So was our heart. After words we heard the scores, at fruit and had a strawberry lace. Georgia came 9th, Greg came 21st, Paul came 23rd, Ebony came 14th, Lewis came 24th, Euan came 22nd  and Kaylan came 11th. A lot of people got medals. Isla, Georgia and Kaylan got a silver medal in the team. Charlie, Ethan and Jack got a bronze and Sonny, Hayden and Gavin got a bronze.

By Euan and Kaylan

Cross country competition.

This morning we went to king George the 5th for the cross country competition the people who went we the p.4-7 and miss dale got a watch and the person who got the best place and sonny got the watch I came 14th in the race someone came 1st from I think it was cargen bridge there were a lot of people wanting to come first.


Georgia came 9th.

Kaylan came 11th.

we had numbers on the front of our jumpers we had the numbers in the one hundreds like some people were 209.

They did p.4-5 boys and girls first then just girls were in a race and then just boys were in a race.



By Ebony


cross country

Today we went to king George the v to do the cross country championships . The course this year was awful I was in the race for p6-7s from medium schools . But there was a first for girls and boys not just one for each . I came tenth out of 24 girls . at the end Georgia , kaylan and me got a  silver medal for the p6-7 girls for  the team . It stayed dry for the races so that was good .




by Isla

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