these past few weeks we have bean practices for cross country training we have bean doing it for two weeks now every Tuesday we play follow the leader but when the person in the front sais go the person at the back runs to the front we do that till every body has bean at the front twice . then we do as many laps as we can in tow minuets before that we did this running thing when there are 4 or 5 people tow at one side or 3 or 2 at the other side so we run to side to side
we are lucky we have snow this year!!! yesterday we had to make an igloo at school and it was fun we had to make the bricks with tub what has not got used . Me and my brother were doing the working making the bricks and Mrs Queen and miss Stapleton were laying the bricks . Then the p3-4 were doing the igloo next the p1-2 were doing it next and then the p34 got the wall evening hear then the wall fell down then they made it back up again and they made the wall have to side on it .
by jack
First of march was Thursday. In out door learning it was SO snowy so we made a igloo and I was collecting bricks in a cake tin! I was getting the smallest of all bricks and it was fun running about getting them.
Mostly everyone tried hard but some people made snow angels or went solo and did not do there’s out of bricks so did not get far.
By CharLIE K
second of march 2018
This week at holywood we have had an amazing time . it snowed on Tuesday night and went till Thursday morning on big Thursday it was amazing because there was only 6 seniors which meant it was really fun we played half an hour of dodgeball and it was amazing there wasn’t one argument we made and igloo in out door learning it was really fun but cold to make .
by I
snow days :/
on snow days holywood is always open witch is not good every other school gets shut sept us we are the only school that is open so it is not fare on us but it is fun when you get to play in the snow. it is cold if you get your trousers get wet and it is annoying and you feel like you got frost bite. I think it would be better if you got to stay at home !!!!!!!!
by sonny and kye bum
this snowy week;)
this week was the best week ever because I got to go home because the Academy was shut and that because of the heavy snow thanks to the snow I got to go to my nanas
big we do all kinds of activity’s like out door learning but we played in the snow we made an igloo it was really cool and we had snow ball fights which was fun and we made snow angle sliding down the hills on are back and we played king of the hill
Snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
We have been lucky enough to get loads of snow for the first time in years!! Snow may be cold but it is fun and… nearly everyone loves it! Everyone has been making snowmen and throwing snowballs at each other because that is what you do with snow. You don’t sit and stare out the window screaming at it to make it go away. Some people may do that but kids don’t do that they actually play in it and have fun. Most people have been skiving off of school because they want to stay at home because it is to cold. Some people may have been of sick but most decided to skive. Snow is fun so don’t scream, shout or yell at it, go and have fun with it!!!