ration challenge

This morning we did the ration challenge as part of our WW2  topic it was really fun we had an hour to cook . My group made corn beef fritters to start off with it looked like a pile of dog food but it turned out to be AMAZING !!!!  there was also soup , toad in the hole and sausage bacon and egg pie .  T he recipe is down below .

how to make them :

you will need : 2oz of flour

pinch of salt

1 egg

dash of milk

pinch of herbs [optional]

grated onion [3 teaspoons ]

6oz of corn beef

a little margarine



  1. mix and blend flour with beaten egg ,salt and a dash of milk
  2. beat until a smooth batter is achieved
  3. add corned beef onions and herbs
  4. melt the butter in the frying pan
  5. drop in a spoonful of mixture and press down in to a small patty
  6. fry on each side until crisp brown

The Ration Challenge At Holywood primary

Hi today we did ww2 ration challenge. My group made egg, bacon and sausage pie it was beautiful it tasted like heaven then that was the only thing that I ate but like liked the look good I did not ate all the food because I did not want to be full cause we are going to have lunch in a hour.

Form Lewis

the big challenge!

the ration challenge, we were doing the ration challenge to day. my group was making soup but not any soup, potato soup ! one group even made toed in the hole  which dose not sound very good but it was delicious  (there was no toads in it ) .the food that was amazing all of it some of the food had a spicy after taste to which I did not like because I do not like spicy foods ! I fink other schools should try it too !


by Georgia 🙂

the ration challenge

today was the ration challenge I made corned beef fritters. I had Isla and Hayden in my group , Kaylans group made toad in the hole and in her group there was Ryan , Greg and Erin. when I made the corned beef fritters the corned beef looked really weird but it turned out really nice !

we have done the ration challenge twice. I think doing the ration challenge was a good idea because I think it is fun making corned beef fritters we also had mashed potatoes with carrots witch was delicious .


by Merissa

The Ration Challenge At Holywood

Today at school we held the ration challenge!!! Everyone had to pick a wartime recipe to prepare and make and then you go to taste them. There were 2 groups for toad in the hole (Ryan, Greg, Erin, Me, and Ebony, Euan, Ethan and Dakota), 1 group for oxford soup (Georgia, Gavin, Paul and Jack), there was another for corned beef fritters (Isla, Merissa and Hayden), and the last group made bacon in a pie (Lewis, Kye, Charlie and Dylan). To make toad in the hole you need a hole bunch of ingredients. It was really fun. It took an hour and 10 minutes to make. After they were ready we got to try them! The toad in the hole was delicious and so was the oxford soup and the bacon in a pie. My favourite ones were oxford soup and the corned beef fritters. I would absolutely love to do this challenge again!!!

By Kaylan


The past few days it has bean snowing like crazy yesterday it started snowing a we bit then it got heavier  and heavier in till the ground was covered in snow so me and Carson went out side to build a snow man but then my dad came out and started a snow ball fight so me and Carson started to build a wall Carson  throwed   the snow balls an I built the wall but Carson kicked it down so we jus used that snow  then my dad said we will make snow angels then we will go in so we made snow angels I made  a snowball

learning at Holywood

Today we are doing the ration challenge at Holywood school and I hope I win the ration challenge today and we are doing ww2 project and school today but I do not now I am doing soldiers uniform and equipment and my favrotie is when we get to draw the weapons and  draw every thing and we have read the the newspaper and done the yellow / green  reading  box  we have been reading books.

by Jack

school and home

today we are doing the ration challenge I don’t know if we are but I hope we do but if we don’t I will be sad because we won’t have the cooking skills we need for high school and more but last Sunday there was a lots of snow I the love snow and hitting john and dad in the head with snowballs is really fun but I hate when cars go over the snow and make it slush and it mean less snow good for them bad for us and I was chating to friends in robolx and playing games.

by Euan p6

ww2 lering at Holywood

We are doing ww2 at Holywood. We have dun ww1 and ww2 my favrot is ww2 it a lot different than ww1. In ww1 it was all in the Trenches but in ww2 it was moor plans and city and contras I like to call ww1 the poor war


for the past few days it has been snowing ! on Sunday there was a huge pile of snow until five o clock it stopped . it was snowing last weak and me and Dakota have been having snow fights. today the there is some snow left but most of it is ice.

I love snow so so much I think that snow is great because there is so many things you can do with it ! some times we had to stay in because it was so cold outside. Dakota said she thinks snow is fun , Euan said that he loves snow so much! . there are people who don’t like snow and some people don’t like get hit by the snow balls. in the snow you can throw snow balls and build a snow man also you can build random things.


by Merissa


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