today on newsround nasa found 7 new planets near planet earth they are planning on sending a chip to the planets To see pictures
today on newsround they said we discovered 7 new planets which we all think is so cool but it is 40 light years away which is 40 years!.
then they said about little mix winning a brit award with shout out to my ex plus one direction got one as well ( we all thought they split up maybe not) but only 1 came to collect it.
at the same event a house fell over on to Nicole in the audience but she fine.
by Elliot and Kye j
how to move a herd of bison ?
they are getting moved to there new home in Canada and they are getting a little help. They are getting transported by car and helicopter, there getting put in a crate and being airlifted to their new home in Canada.
what I did on my holiday
what I did on my holiday. so I was playing my game and my friend came over his name was Gavin and there was tow more people that came it was Camoron and zak. they came on Monday at Gavin and Camoron came at 6.30pm and Zak came at 6.00pm. we were playing a game that someone has a football and they try to kike the football and it hast to hit the person so me and Gavin are always hiding under the sheets and Zak always hiding under the bed after we went to bed the next morning me and Gavin were out side and we playing rugby and when me and Gavin went 2 rounds around my filed and each one we take a break and me and Gavin put a song on my I phone se in gold after we got a drink and we went and played football.
MY Holiday
I went on Holiday to my cousins’ house all the way up in the North of Scotland. I went on a bus to Glasgow for 2 hours.
Then I went on another bus for 6 hours to my cousins’ House …
but I had a great time!
by Hayden
on sunday I am going to a boxing fight no one can lose or win because it is a bout
My Holiday
When the school had their mid term holiday everyone took advantage and got as much done as they possibly could.
Here’s what I done :
- Play X-Box 1
- Playing with my cars
- Clapping my cat
- Cuddling my cat
- Watched a movie
- Drank some hot chocolate
My little holiday was a great time and I hope the others were as fun.
By Logan
Giving my old books away !!!
Two days ago me my mum and my sister went down the town with a really big box fool of books. we took them to a charity shop. and we got to choose one book to read.
by Georgia.
In the half term holiday I went to London. In London we went on the London eye and went to Shreks adventure thing + the London Dungeon. I loved the premier inn.
by Paul :):):):)
This holiday I was swimming 4 meters of a 6 meter pool without touching the bottom of it. I can also do forward roles and backward roles and handstands in it, it is so much fun to swimming. I also got a new game called world of tanks I love it, it is so good.
by Ethan