Animals I have at home

Animals I have at home Jack has 2 dog 12 fish and 1 rabbit 15 cows 5 pigs. I have 2 dogs and I had 15 fish but they got died but I got 4 more fish and 1 cat.  Sonny  1 dog called Jess.



by Jack and Greg

Learning at Holywood/Fun activities coming up!!!

Learning at Holywood this week. This is what we have been doing/will be doing:

  1. Stranroard
  2. Badminton club/competition
  3. Drama club
  4. Music
  5. IDL (topic)
  6. Writing
  7. Reading
  8. Art

On the first of March 2017 primary five to seven are going to Stranroard on our residential trip!! Everyone is really exited in going and we are going to be doing a full day walk, orienteering, mountain biking and maybe some climbing.

Badminton club has now sadly come to an end:-( !!! But today the competition is on! we will be representing our school in the Badminton competition at Maxwellton High school. Most of the primary sixes and sevens are going. There will be a hit about in the hall at four o clock and then they head to the competition at half past four and at half past five they will be waiting at school for their parents to pick them up.

Starting today is the drama club!! So many people wanted to go that they had to put all the names in a bag and pull them out!

In music with Mr Riddick we are learning the five songs of Tam O Shanter! We are going to be performing at Lochside primary school with the Glasgow opera club!

Just now in writing we are writing about the Egyptian Pyramids animated short film in our three groups.

We have now switched from our old books to our new books in reading! Georgia and her group are reading a book called the iron man and Kaylan and her group are reading a book called Kensukes kingdom

In art we are finishing off our Islamic tiles.

In IDL (topic) we are doing our weather project we had to pick a country and research on its weather. Kaylans is doing Nepal and Georgia’s is doing Georgia.


By Georgia and Kaylan

learning at holywood

The past week has been full of learning like maths which we have been( Da Vinci )have been doing fractions and percentages the rest have been doing there times table like there 6 and 7 but they can also do a lot of the same things as Da Vinci  is doing as well.

in writing we have been doing a thing called the pyramids of Egypt its funny and cool as well its about a archaeologist in Egypt in 192o and he finds a amulet which controls a pyramid.

in art we have been doing some tiles with miss Dale from our Islamic studies ( read further back

by Elliot and Euan

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