Break Time

Today is the first day back at school and me and Euan brought in the star wars official rogue one sticker album and we had a lot of spare stickers. There are lots of types of stickers as well. You get the album and it has  5 packs of 5 and in the book there is 6 more stickers you can trade them as well. You can stick  the stickers in the book  and they look amazing. And there’s ones which  have a gold border around them. You can collet the stickers in packs of 5 and there very cool looking cards also they have some of the common  rarity and also secret rares but most of them have common rares.

by Elliot and Euan


Christmas holyday

at Christmas mark got a gaming computer £416 and after shave and Greg got money and I bot a iPhone SE it was £180. my dogs got a toy burger and a hot dog and mall teasers. and we got lots of sweets my mum got a expensive pitcher.

CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!

sadly the Christmas holidays are done we are so so  sad :'(  but eny way I got the snow cown maker for Christmas, some Pokémon cards from my big brother. On the last day of the holiday I got my roblox account. Here is a few of the things I got.

.balloon making kit

.little mix music


And I got  sum robux.

The Christmas holidays where so fun but we are back at school :'( this is our first day back. And we are happy :’)


By Thomas, Georgia



We are just back from the Christmas holyday and this is what I got a dollhouse, a dazing a friend doll, my password journal, art and craft, playdogh , make up, pant pottery,  clos .






Break time

Today at break time I was with isla in the biggies when the boys were playing foot ball while me and isla were playing pass with the ball then we went in for maths then it was lunch the big ones go out while the littlie ones are having lunch at that time we were just trying to catch the boys and then the big ones went in for lunch




By Ebony


Well the holidays are over and we are all now back at school. Everyone is still wishing it was the holidays but now, we have to wait until this December which is still 11 months from now! This is my blog about Christmas. On Christmas we came downstairs at 5 o clock in the morning and opened our gifts. I loved all my gifts and I am really happy with what I got. One of my presents was a Pokémon tin and there where 4 packs of Pokémon in the tin. The best cards I got where Volcanian double-sided EX card and a Florges break card. I also got the new Wii-u came called Splatoon and a squid amibo. The other games we got for the Wii where Minecraft Wii-u edition and Minecraft story mode. Aidan got me a magic 8 ball and some quality streets. I also got the cool Nerf rebel bow. With my Christmas spending money I bought myself a camera and some other little things. My camera is a red polaroid and so far I have only taken 6 photos. My Christmas very fun.

By Kaylan



Christmas at our house on the 24 Ebony could not sleep she woke me up at 1 in the morning thinking it was Christmas. But she managed to get to sleep so it was 8 o’clock Ebony came in my room and was jumping up and down on the bed so Aye got up and went down stairs. Aye got a ps4 cloths and vr goggles and a stocken full of sweets. then for christmas dinner we had hundreds there was roost tattie and mash pigs in blanket, roast turkey, gravy, Brussels sprouts, and that’s just the start.



Dylan and Ebony



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