Learning At Holywood This Week

This week we have been doing lots of new things to do with art, topic, music, P.E, writing and reading here is what we have been doing.


The first thing is writing. We have been split into three writing groups to write together. There are two teacher supported groups and an independent group. This week my group is with teacher support because last week we where unsupported. My group is Dylan, Mark, Zak, Isla, Cameron, Logan and Elliot. Just now we are writing about Santa and Death and at the end Death gets hit with an anvil! Don’t worry it is a kids animated short cartoon. Now we are on to Santa VS Death Round two!

For reading we have picked out novels to read. There are a few different ones here they are The Demon Headmaster, Bitter Chocolate, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Georges Marvellous Medicine and Kaspar Prince Of Cats. I am reading The Demon Headmaster. we where able to start doing the tasks on the task sheet yesterday.

Just now we are doing music with Mr Riddick. We are learning how to make our own music after watching a video called Everyone Can Be A Musician. We also watched an orchestra playing the theme tune to Pirates Of The Caribbean. I quite like doing music with Mr Riddick.

In art we are making our one Islamic style tile art and it is really hard! I like it though because we get to make  pretty patterns on the paper.

Our topic is Islam and I am finding it really interesting because I didn’t really know anything about I slam and Muslims before we started and now I know quite a bit more. We are making posters about Islam just now and our poster and other peoples are starting to look very neat and tidy.

In P.E coach Liam has came back for lets get sporty on a Wednesday morning after break. We had to go around in a circle and all do an action it got all our hearts pumping and we where all very tired afterwards.

As you can see, we have had a very busy week!

By Kaylan


At Art we were doing Islamic tiles we had to draw around the tile 4 times to make a big square and what we do in one square we have to do it in the other square. and we have to do repeating patterns and if we do it in one square you have to do it in the other square and  I am almost finished.


By Gavin



Yesterday we done Islamic styled tiles we had to do a pattern you had to join it up there to be no gaps in between and we had to draw around a tile for a square or you can use a ruler to draw a square but the lines had to be straight if the tiles were not in shape you had to go over them with a ruler then you could to the pattern I still have to do mine.




By Ebony

Newsround This Friday

Today on Newsround there was a baby elephant learning how to walk by swimming in water and 3 people holding up his head. There was also a very steep hill and we all now feel sorry for the postman because every time you take a step you go up a metre. There also was singing rocks they sounded like they where whistling. There was also the great wall of china that a Chinese man videoed and said it lead him to Mongolia .

By Greg And Kaylan

News round

Today we have been watching news round and there was a killer whale. We name them underwater giants they have been in zoos for along time doing tricks back flips under water dives.


Xmas holiday

The first thing I opined on Xmas  was laptop  I played roblox  and minecraft  then I had a pisstle then I shot at bailey in his eyes. The first ting I got was a Nintendo 3Ds xl with Pokémon moon


Christmas at Holywood was fun we direst how we wont to we played games a lot and we got a drink and crisps and a biscuit me and Hayden were wining all the games we had lunch my friend Elliott drank 20 carton of milk   by Hayden and gavin

Charlie’s Christmas

My   Christmas    was   amazing!!!   I    got   lots   of   lovely   gifts   and   Santa   filled   my   stocking   with

lots   of   lovely   surprises!   I   love   Christmas!!!It   is   my   favourite   time   of   the   Year!!!   I   got    a

remote    control    car    it   was   a   Bugatti   Verron     I    also   got   a  new   LEGO  ninjago  book   a LEGO Ninjago set


At Christmas I woke up at about 6 am but I fell back asleep we all got up at 8 am. first we opened the stocking, second thing I opened was  guitar hero I also got a ps3, GTA 5, minecraft story mode and minecraft. My big brother Ross gave me a USB that has lots of movies on it like mamas house, mamas house 2,  The purge and The purge: anarchy


by paul

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