this week at Holywood

this week at Holywood we have been doing loads of fun stuff . We got a new reading book on Monday called bitter chocolate which we had to read 3 chapters for Wednesday . Then on Tuesday we had some music with Mr Dewar which was really fun . And then on Wednesday we had lets get sporty we had 5 activities which were ladders ,  jumping in hoops , zig zaging cones  and getting from one side of the hall to the other side with 2 shapes and not touching the floor.We aso did some Islamic art as part of our topic which was to create a pattern to go on a tile. Today is Thursday we have business groups and at the moment we are making paper out of scrap paper . And we also had some French in which we learning about colours.


by Isla


On the 11/1/17 we had art one of my favourite subjects. We had to make Islamic tiles and we had to build out from the centre out and I found it fabulous. And you had to use patterns that repeat in the four boxes in the tiles. I used hexagons and built out.

by Mark

Learning at Holywood

Learning at holywood is fun we have being doing maths with Miss Stapleton we have done 5 -a-day which involves doing 5 sums which you have to answer we like to do it up to a certain point which is the algebra which mark dislikes ( a lot ). Miss Dale is doing Islam as our religious topic in the 3 year rolling programme we have seen the journey to mecca and also the time and effort to sow the patches to hang on the bug rock in the middle of the giant stadium.

Lets get sporty came on Wednesday to come and do P.E with us which consisted of station my group started at some hurdles then onto the floor is lava when we stopped we had to find a action and copy it with Liam.


By Elliot



Today at Holywood there has been some snow which has been amazing. Loads of people have been outside playing in it and creating snowballs and making snow angels. We had to be very careful not to get hurt because some of the snow was actually ice… Ice balls were thrown and snow balls as well. It has been really fun in the snow here today. Hopefully it will come back again someday.

By Logan

Learning At Holywood

Learning this week has been very interesting with maths, reading, writing and other subjects we have got lets get sporty on a Wednesday with coach Liam. There is a badminton class started after school 3 till 4 every Monday it is ecstatically fun. At the end we play really fun games like jailbreak, and now we have started rallies it is p5-7 we have only done 2 classes one in school time and 1 after school.


By   Dylan and Logan

Reading at Holywood school

At Holywood we be reading books like Charlie and the chocolate factory. by Roald Dahl its about a boy called Charlie bucket and his family live in same house and there is two grandpas and two grandmas and Mr and Mrs buckets and they were pour very pour it was Charlie’s birthday and he go a bar of chocolate. he only get a bar of chocolate a year and there is 5 golden tickets all around the world and they get   to go into Mr Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory.


by Euan

learning at holywood this week

At school we have been doing some maths it is fun me  and all the p4s are in Einstein. we had our first music lesson of the term it was with Mr Ridic we do a lot of things in music like mouth warm ups, we had to make a song for next week. this weak we had lets get sporty for P.E we did  a obstacle course in a circle. we made a context evl because we finished our topic on the solar system.

by Merissa , Thomas


P.E with coach liam

we done PE with liam we done 5 activity’s to do there was some ladders we had to go sideways. the next activity is shapes we had to step on the shapes and we had to go fast the next one is zigzag in and out of the cones. 3rd but not last is we had to get skewers and place them on the floor but we are not aloud to touch the floor so we kept getting the skewers from the end of the group.


by Greg

Art at Holywood

Yesterday we started to design some Islamic tiles. We had to put our design on square paper. (It is harder then you think ) We have to trace our final design then we put it on the tiles.  Most of us are going to start to put it on the tiles today.



by Paul Storey


At maths we have been Doon maths this morning  it was very fun we playd maths splat bingo and we have been doon 5 a day it was hard and fun but I did it. We usually  play a joint game of splat, which is fun, with Hayden, Euan, Gavin, Elliot, Logan, Paul, Zak and Mark.

by kye

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