Mrs sturgeon was are cook but she sadly left us fore retirement . but she is coming this afternoon we have been working on cards they look really cool . by Dakota /Georgia
We are all feeling a bit sad at Holywood because Mrs Sturgeon is retiring. In her honer we are having an afternoon tea. P1-p3 are making sandwiches with ham, ham and cheese, cheese, cucumber and cucumber with cheese. We also have cakes and crisps with tea, coffee and juice. We have wrote letters to her and then made a card and wrote the letter inside it. We will really miss her and we hope she will have a good rest and put her feet up.
I am going to miss her very much and so will every one else!
By Kaylan
Mrs Sturgeon
Mrs sturgeon was our cook in till she left for retirement to go and enjoy the rest of her life:(. So after lunch we are having a afternoon tea to say bye and say happy retirement, the little class is making sandwiches for the afternoon tea and miss dale got chirps , and some cake. She is a very nice leady I wish her a very happy life:).
Miss sturgeon
Today on the 2nd of December we are having an afternoon tea with Miss sturgeon our old diner lady. We are going to make some sand wages and some cakes but Miss Dale bout some. We have finished making some cards for Miss sturgeon.
The afternoon tea is at two o’clock.
By Thomas, Jack
miss sturgeon leaving
today miss sturgeon is leaving it is so sad that she was the best cook in the world ( at school as well ).
she would like to go on a cruise some where like to Spain or Germany etc. we hope she has a good life with her family and we hope her all the best for the holidays.
so today we are making cakes and sandwiches and we also have crisps and juice for the little ones.
by Elliot and ryan