
yammer is a now thing at holywood. it is roily good you can make your clubs the best is the Pokémon club we toke about Pokémon and our best onus people have mad their one clubs they are all privet I made a FIFA   club. parents and kids and teachers are aloud to go on yammer. we have just started we think it whil take over the blog. it is half way it whil I think it is like twiter but safe and betr


by kye

Christmas Tree Festival !!!

There is a Christmas festival on the 2nd-4th of December at the St John’s Church at on Fri & Sat 10am-9am Sun 2pm-4pm it is £3 per adult / children can go free.

Electrical support is available to those that need it as well as refreshments.

Holywood is currently 73 on the list for the tree decoration contest.

school show

In 3 weeks at Holywood primary school I am playing Shrek and one of the people on Britain’s got talent in the school play. Greg and Liam are the town criers Hayden and Ryan are Rockerfella and Cinderella is Isla.



By Gavin and Greg


Today we done  a technology challenge we had to make a  machine that could crush a can there was all sorts of crushers one of them was powered by battery and it was amazing the rest where pritty much wood every other one you had to push or pull.



by Ethan.

Mission To Mars !!!

Yesterday we had done a bit of writing on a mission to mars! We where orbiting mars and we had to take six items to the planet and we had to decide what we would take with us.

I would take oxygen, a space suit, pic-axe, spade, empty containers as well as sun glasses. All of these are important for the mission and are all very useful.

This was a writing lesson – we had to justify our decisions!



Today we had to hand in our tec challenge I waned to do it but I was not aloud. Liam tod made his out of heavy duty metal Jack and bailey made wood and pipe Freddy made wood and a hinge ori made hers out of wood and a small thin pipe Merissa made hers out of wood Stuart and Thomas made there’s out of wood.



by Paul storey

planet topic with Miss Sarah’s

on Wednesdays and Thursdays we are doing a space topic with miss Sarah’s ( not to be mistaken with miss dales topic on space vehicles).

it involved on Thursday writing about a mission to mars and you have to take 6 things and every one picked different things and every thing was with a different purpose to do something.

the one thing we were scratching our heads with if you pick a picnic you havbe to take your helmet of to eat and you would die.

by Elliot p7

Scottish Book Week At Holywood


This week we has been an international Scottish event called Scottish Book Week.  We have been running these events all week and we are down to the last day already! On Monday the 21st of November we had the teachers reading to the whole school and it went down very well 4 parents came to this event. On Tuesday 22nd of November we did a coffee afternoon where parents came to read their books and have a coffee or a tea and a biscuit or maybe even 2. We could bring in our books as well and read them while drinking juice and having a biscuit. On  Wednesday the 23rd of November we did a children reading time that was event 3 you had to volunteer to read in front the whole school  the children who did do it where really good .On Thursday the 24th of November  we did book crafts  and it was great fun. We made doodle books flying bookmarks masks and paper bag puppets we also made toilet roll tube telescopes. Today we will be doing a book swap and a gift presentation. The primary 1 pupils will also take home a book bug bag.


By Kaylan and Merissa

This week at Holywood

This week at Holywood we have been making 3d shapes in maths for the Christmas tree competition . We also have been doing a context of evaluation to tell people what we have learned on shapes . It is also Scottish book week and we have been doing activities every day my favourite one was on Monday when the teachers were reading my favourite was miss dales book which was the day the crayons quit


today we did a technology challenge we had lots of wooden builds and a there was metal build and they were amazing at crushing  cans.  They were very  entertaining to see cans getting crush by gravity pushing on the  can Is  fun to see and to here the sound.



by Euan p5

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