P7 Curling

p7’s went to curling this morning to practise and learn how to play curling.  In one of the lane there was  Pokémon in the ice. There was Charzird, Pikachu, Blasstiose and a mewtwo. it was very fun we split up into two groups of three and played a game. Sadly our team lost. We practise taken shot of from the start and letting go of the stone. I got it though a aiming arch first time but it was very fun!


P7 Curling

On Friday the 16th September 2016 p7 done curling with Dumfries ice bowl. There was a load of other schools that was there and everybody loved it! It was very easy to learn and you had to wear a plastic covering on your shoe unless you wear sweeping the ice.  our coach for the day was very good and he told us some tips and how to do it properly. we all enjoyed it and most of us might go back to do training.


By Logan p7

my cat

I got a new cat cold tiga she is a tabby cat she is craze. she hides under the couth and sleeps. she choose on feet and legs she is tine ure than a normal citen . and she likes hie pleases and wires.





by kye

Miss Stapleton s maths

Why I like maths…


Maths assessment

5 days – 5 questions we have to answer mentally

tejay – the resource we use to practise our number work.

math games we play buzz and round the world.


By Ethan

break times!!!

At break there were people digging super big holes  but me and kaylan war pretending to be in a jungle. soon we agreed that kaylan wood hunt for rocs for the portend fire .

by Georgia

sand trenches

at Holywood we were balding trenches Cameron was balding one beside mine so we joined them up now  it is masf every one helped it tock about 3 days to make. it was raly fun thing the rane is going to nock it down

at lunch time

At lunch some people were digging in the sand pit , there was a big path way and it was  so cool there was bailey , molly , jack I forgot the rest of the people s names but that big path way people ar still working on the path . next Dakota and me Merissa was doing Gymnastics we did hand stand and cart wheels it was so fun .


by Merissa and dakota

Football training!!!

Today Paul was football training at lunch break with Chris Jardine. Paul was playing a football match with a hole lode of people  and he was with the yellow team. Ebony was playing with Isla at break time doing cartwheels. Isla was showing Ebony how to do them.





By Paul and Ebony

sand trench/ hills and slegye

mark and Cameron we were building a sand wall like a trench like ww1/ww2 the sand wall is 1 meter tall  4 meter long you can touch the bottom of the bottom with your finger and it is the best sand trench ever made out of sand the people how were make  it were jack /Paul Kye Ryan


The Big Pokémon Battle

on Thursday inside me and Elliot Pokémon battle he used Zora the Pokémon witch can change into any Pokémon it likes and it has 60hp. I used wiskcash is a water Pokémon and It can do 130 and 110hp and I got defeated by Elliot and I even had a break card and it was a phoenix battle but it was a good  battle but Zora is the best Pokémon.

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