
Today in the playground nearly everybody was trading Pokémon. I have 95 cards. the rarest card Is a break card or turbo I have one break and turbo. mark has a loucario which is okay card. and Dylan has a gallode that is a good card. But the school has went crazy with Pokémon.





by zak mark and dylan


On Tuesday we had lets get sporty and we done hockey but first we done toilet tig then we played hockey and we had to put the ball in between the hockey stick and it was very tricky I was partners with jack we had cheated we holed the ball half way around the pitch on the last one we got to hold the ball on top of the hockey stick so we had to put the ball on the ground and when coach Liam said go and we had to put our hockey sticks on the ball and race around the pitch and on the last race we got to hold the ball.



By jack and Ebony

Pokémon Here At Holywood

Here at Holywood loads of people are going absolutely CRAZY about these Japanese Pokémon trading card games. Nearly everyone in P4-7 are going and buying them and trading them. Our highest HP are 60 (Georgia) and 150 (Kaylan). It is great fun trading in your cards for new ones you can get really rare ones and quite common ones. The small boxes are £5.00 and the big boxes are £14.95. There are loads to collect Kaylan doesn’t think she has a favourite out of her cards and Georgia’s favourite of her cards is Ghastly with 60 HP. Kaylan and Georgia think that lots of people know about it and like it but also that lots of people don’t know about it and we think that if some more people knew about it they would like it but we don’t know.


Kaylan and Georgia

break time

Today Jack was playing football in the bigeys. I scored 4. I was climbing a tree to tried and get a red hula-hoop down from a tree because someone chucked it up.



break/ lunch time

me Thomas Georgia started making a café in a shoe box we made Minnie people ,Minnie foods.  we also made a child play aerie. we made all sorts of food we made a grill made of paper the thing that opens.


we have stared a Pokémon club we have 8 people in it Ryan and Euan have been trading cards and Euan got a mewtwo Ryan got one legendary  Pokémon … more next week!!!

Pokémon trading at breaktime

At break time Euan and Ryan where trading Pokémon card in the tunnels we traded almost 10 cards it was good euan traded 7 cards euan got a lot of good Pokémon it was a hard to chose witch card.



by Euan and Kye

break time .

today day at break time there was orla playing horse riding with Ella .  then there was Chris who did football with some of the p4-7 . Georgia was playing in the mud kitchen then Orla came  to the mud kitchen at lunch . then I went to see the skipping there was Jack , Isla and I think that is all .



by Merissa


Today I brought all of my Pokémon cards and I had a battle with Euan and Ryan. Both of them won and they were really happy!!! And I was kind of sad because that I lost that battle and I never lost except one.


By ethan


Today at P.E. did dodge ball and get the beanbags it got our hearts really racing . Gavin’s favourite one was dodge ball he won first . you have to get 6 balls and sit them on a bench in the middle and both teams have to lie on your belly and put your hands behind your back and the the whistle goes and you run to get a ball and then hit people from the waist down the last team standing will win the beanbag game you have 4 hoops and the you get 2-6 beanbags then put them in a hoop and then when the whistle goes you have to try and get rid of you bean bag the try and empty you hoop by putting them in the others .


by Gavin and Isla


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