Break time

Today at break time Merissa and me were doing some gymnastics we were doing crabs ,round offs and  cartwheels I thought that Merissa was good at everything she She just needed to get her arms straight at the crabs and so do I we have been doing this all week . we also had fun by playing in the mud kitchen. then after the mud kitchen we did double cartwheels and a cartwheel race .


by Merissa and Isla

Operation safety

Operation safety is back again with a new batch of p7’s to test on there stuff including a social network site for schools and also a scary first aid course ( including screaming teenager) the sp energy network was there to.

the fun came with the police testing a new social networking site which was called teen chat but it was fake and made by the council to see what we would put for internet safety.

next was the fire men with fire work safety which contained what can go on the bonfire and what cannot go on the bonfire then we go to a room for rent but we have to make it safe.

the ambulance service was there as well to teach some first aid basics including the recovery position and also the abc’s of first aid which was cool but the only disappointment was the screaming girl it was a disappointment the girl was unconscious it was rubbish ( the screaming girl).

Scottish power was there as well to lighten the mood with electricity we seen that we conduct electricity through the wonder stick then we put lots of stuff in the mix to make it cool other stuff that does not conduct electricity to.

Football with Chris jarden

To Day at 12 o’clock till 12.30 we done football with Chris jarden. The teams where yellow and orange in the yellow team was Greg, Eliot, Zak, Kye, Hamish, Dylan, and in the orange team was Gavin, Logan, Jack, Hayden, Cameron, Mark, Ryan,. And the score was 4/3 to the yellow team Dylan Zak Eliot Kye who scored 1 goal each. It was a rally fun match.


Today I am bringing my ferret Hoody to school and he is so cute. We got my Ferret from my uncle who kept forgetting to feed him and clean him out. We are going to let P1-3 see him first then P4-7. Aidan is going to help me with him and we have got some good facts as well. Here is a fact just now They are lactose-intolerant and are not allowed to eat fruit bread or vegetables. they are allowed to eat eggs any kind of meat and ferret/dog buiscets.  We have a lead for him and we took him a walk on it a lot. He likes to play in the grass and he has a huge cage that he can play in.


By Kaylan

Pokémon trading

Pokémon trading  Pokémon is a card game whiff 10000000 of different cards. How to play Pokémon you can trade Pokémon I have about 28 cards and Hayden has about 12 Kye, Ethan, Elliot, Ewan have the most




By Gavin and Hayden

Pokémon at school

dscf2776 dscf2775 dscf2769 dscf2767Everyday now everybody (just about everybody) in p4-7 has Pokémon cards.  Pokémon is a Japanese card game that you can collect and trade over 9255 cards!!! There are 6 main types of the cards: 1. Basic, 2.Evolved, 3. EX, 4. Mega and 5. Break and 6. Brake turbo. There are 155 EX and there are 100 Brake cards and they are rare! Loads of people have been collecting ever since Euan brought his cards in April 2016 and hopefully we will make a Pokémon fighters team and then we will be able to go to tournaments!!!

By Logan and Ryan

Pokémon club

The past week Logan /Elliot have started a Pokémon club . A lot of people are in the club we have started doing some trading card’s like EX’s  and basic cards ,evolves.  The most people are almost the hole school. we have been planning this for 3 weeks I hope you will join.



Dakota /Thomas


We break was good every one was playing with Pokémon go every one loves it in school loves Pokémon  go its the hole schools favourite game all of the entire school love the game now even the wee ones well some of the wee ones anyway.  At big break me and Paul maid a delivery system that went very good. The delivery system that we made went better than you would think.



by Paul  and Hamish


today we were trading Pokémon cards Ethan traded a rap dash   for a charm Ander  then I Merissa traded hoppy for a Laing .  Ethan had a battle with Elliot , Ethan was the winner . Ethan traded a    garados for a champion ship card .






by Merissa , Ethan


Pokémon trading

At break time Euan and Greg where trading Pokémon cards  we had some hard trading we did a very good trade I got a ex and Euan got a legendry Pokémon at lunch break Greg got a ex gardos is a good Pokémon .The gardos has 130 hp is a water and air type so cool Euan was going to get the gardos but Greg is getting it mark forces Euan traded lacario back and Euan was sad.


by Euan and Greg bye trainer

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