New teacher

WE have a new teacher called Miss Sarah’s and she is coming to the school on a Wednesday and Thursday. one the first day of she was her and we got to now her and she love owls, host of youth beets, love going on holidays, is in a running club, love musically theatre. So after break we don some get to now games and that was fun then it was our first lunch in our now primers. Last things we don was some learning about hero’s then we made shields(not finished). She is a very nice teacher and I can weat for next week.

by SarahJane


This afternoon we are doing a technology challeng but we don’t know what it is yet we are doing it at 2oclock  and if we are going in partners I will go with Georgia and Georgia is very exited about it and so am I because we don’t know what it is and it is going to be fun.



By Ebony and Georgia

First day back at School

On the first day back at school we got 2 new teachers Miss Sarahs and Mrs Madden. Miss Sarahs is in on a Wednesday and Thursday for the full day and Mrs madden is in all the week but just till 12pm. In the morning we where putting the class room furnisher back in a different set out. in the after noon p4 to 7 made shield  out of A3 paper. Then it was 3 pm and that home time after a good day of school.



By Dylan

Loch Lomond And Blackpool (Not in the same day)

In the summer holidays I went to Loch Lomond with mum dad and Aidan. It took ages to drive there but we finally got there. Loch Lomond is a beautiful place and it was my 3rd time going there. Once when I was a baby, once when I was a toddler and Aidan was in his buggy and this is the 3rd time. In Loch Lomond I went to the sealife centre. We saw the stingrays, sharks, turtles,jellyfish, seahorses, fish and more. For dinner we had a takeaway pizza one pepperoni and one cheese for lunch we had a picnic down at the loch when we walked to the sealife centre we saw people water skiing and on speedboats and we saw lots of canoers and boaters in the loch we also saw dogs swimming right in the middle of the loch.


When we where going to Blackpool we where supposed to be going to Wales but we hadn’t went prepared so we went to Blackpool instead. We saw the Blackpool tower and we went to the zoo and the pleasure beach and the arcades. At the zoo we saw lots of cool animals. We got Blackpool rock mine where berry burst and cream egg flavour. On the way home we got a McDonalds.

I had a great time on both occasions.

By Kaylan p5

Ryan’s holiday

I went to turkey it was amazing there where big water slid’s there and we went to the amazing sea side and my mum and dad came to and we went to the best restaurant  in turkey we eat lovey foods.





by ryan

Back At School

On the 18th August 2016 we are back at school:)!. Everybody was all really happy  to be back and most of us were glad as well . In the p4-7 class it was all out in the hall so we could make it different and more exciting. We also got introduced to 2 new teachers: One is called Miss Sarah’s and the other is called Mrs Madden. This is made on day 2 of being back and we have got the new timetable made.

By Logan

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