today we built a obstacle cores for adults to tri aware cores its got jump and a bailing’s beams stepping stones and crouching its going to be hard of adults
by Euan and Ethan
p4 and p3
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
today we built a obstacle cores for adults to tri aware cores its got jump and a bailing’s beams stepping stones and crouching its going to be hard of adults
by Euan and Ethan
p4 and p3
Today in math Miss Dale gave p2-p4 an envelop with top secret on it and in side it had mishans that included hard work we had to masher the bich, Hours recessing jumps, Walla throw. we are doing some more tomorrow at maths.
by Sarah-Jane
today we had a top secret mission to do. we had to plan things for sports day to do. we had to plan horse jumps and me Georgia and Dakota where in a group together. we were putting together our horse jumps by using the blocks, tyres, buckets and other things. It was great fun building it and lots of people at break and while building their own obstacle horse jump came and tried ours and other peoples. We also timed them and most people got 5, 7,4 and 3.
By Kaylan Georgia and Dakota
Today with the p.3 and p.4 where doing circuits with miss Dale we where setting up the jumps for sports day on Wednesday what the hole school is very exited and the p.4 got to pick and we are doing an adult race.
By Ebony