To day we were watching news round im doing a blog on the four year old kid that knocked down a very big Lego figure this took the builders of it three nights and three days. it took the people for ages to build the figure the who was a person from the movie called zootropalis this movie is so much as a good movie
The bats!!!!!!
We where just watching news round and there was lots of bats there called fruit bats there is lots of people trying to make them go away but they will go away when they don’t feel comfy and they cant sleep at night so they are trying to make them go away so they are making noise but they will not go away because there are lots of fruit and the people are buying the fruit all over agen they are losing a lot of money so they cant by food for there children and there self and the fruit bats are not budging at all.
By Ebony and Georgia
what I like and not liked on Newsround
Today on Newsround a 4 year old boy from china nocked down a Lego statue out the now movie Zootopia. And I did not like that!!!!
On YouTube there is this mum called Candy’s and she lives in the U.S.A .
She what to her and she got a Chewbacca mask and she pout it on Facebook.
I like that!!!!!
hope you enjoyed
by Sarah-Jane
Today round there was lots of interesting stories the brilliant one was the fox out of zootropolis. it was a lego sculpture . a chinese 4 year old broke it because he was just being curious . the other one was a Scottish gymnast called Nomi he is going to be competing for Britain in the Olympics . the last story was about African children and big telescopes . they were studying mars and if there is another world .
Foxy being smashed
on Wednesday a big Lego fox hade been presented and put on display it took 3,000 Lego blokes to make and took three nights and three days to construct but then nocked down by a young chines boy when he was exploring and got curies and took five seconds to shoved it over.
By Cameron P6
news round
lots of news round news today :
I’m a very happy Chewbacca
Chinese kid breaks massive Lego model
very big mushroom for turkey
gold for Britain
and lots of different summer watch things as well
the happy Chewbacca has the most views on YouTube Facebook and twitter the woman is called Candace.
Today on the Newsround website there was lots of cool things to be see:
- I’m a very happy Chewbacca
- Chinese kid wrecks a hard-to-build Lego statue
- giant mushroom
- World record for the first time
The I’m a very happy Chewbacca video was really funny. It was a lady in a Chewbacca mask saying I’m a very happy Chewbacca and laughing really loudly. It has loads of likes on Facebook and over international websites.
There was also a Chinese kid who wrecked a hard-to-build model made of Lego. It was a Nick Wild one from the new film that has been out in cinemas Zootropolise.
There was also a world record for the worlds biggest mushroom ever found it was huge and really heavy. People say it was big enough to feed one whole family for one hole week!
Then the final thing a man who is a gymnast he beat a world record and took all his medals into the Newsround studio.
By Kaylan
Happy Chewbacca
A woman called Candace Spayn put a viral video of herself in a Chewbacca mask and began laughing and it has hit over 3 million views on YouTube and Face-Book and she has appeared on good morning America and they shown the video is amazing. You can see it on news-round and on YouTube and Face- Book. She has a YouTube channel so she can earn money!
It costs £20 on Amazon and £40 on EBay for masks
By Logan Carruthers and Greg Phillips
4 Years old knocks over Lego statue
On news round a 4 years old Chinese boy knock over logo statue of a fox it took the builder 3 days and 3 nights to build and it took him 5 seconds to knock it though he must of got a got telling off.