21 people went to swimming and we did catch-up arms and front coral and back coral we went for 2ouwers we did sossig rolls and stars in the water and pencils
building club
Me and Elliot are doing a building club the tools we are going to use are a saw, hammers, mallet, glue. The first thing that we will be making is a mallet.
Best .P.E. Lesson ever
On Wednesday their were only 6 piepale doing P.E. it was the funest lesson ever we got to hang up side down on the ropes and do all sorts of cola stuff.
We were doing PE on Wednesday there was 6 people because the other people were at swimming at the ice blow so in gym we where doing gymnastics. and we where doing back flips on the ropes and jumping off of bares and we where swinging on ropes. And front support and back support.
Swimming we went swimming for 2 weeks but Friday was canaled and we don’t do it on a Tuesday at swimming I was in the second class and I lern to do the back stork.
Feis Rois
We have had Feis Rois in doing music for primary 6 and 7 we are doing the ukulele we played Sam Smiths Stay with me, it was spectacular. We have had Feis Rois before and all of them have been very very very good. I hope that we all work hard and listen well to what Ally says and get lot’s of work done.
John and Gavin
P3-7 Swimming
We are in groups my group are doing a 24 meter pool swimming by Hamish
My group are doing a 10 meter pool swimming by Josh
The swimming position we done is stream line the other one is called a Catch up arm. It is hard doing a 24 meter pool.
The 10 metre pool is really hard to accomplish because its very confusing even more confusing than Confused.com
By Josh and Hamish
On Monday p4/7 started swimming lessons my teacher is dawn we are all ready learned breathing under water and also swimming with our goggles off as well as swimming when floating and also swim deep under water .
My group are the middle and kye’s group is the top group and has to do the hardest things(like swimming backwards and role over and back again).
dg1 is currently closed at the moment so we do it at dg1’s portable pool which is good for long distance swimming.
by kye and Elliot
Feis Rois
Today we had Ally out from Feis Rois to do ukulele with p6-7 we are learning to play Sam smiths stay with me. Ally said next week we will be writing our own song and learning other pop songs. We are hoping to learn lots of songs because we have never learned pop songs before on ukulele.
by Isla and Chloe
This week and next week we have swimming our s teacher is could Michael he is learning us to swim.
We can swim with out a float and we can float and Georgia is scared of jumping. in we are very good at swimming.
BY Ebony and Georgia
Swimming at the Ice bowl
This week P3-7 have been going to the ice bowl to learn how to swim. Our teachers are Michael, Dawn and there is one more but we don’t know her name yet. We are going on these days: Monday, Wednesday,Thursday and Friday. Dawn is the teacher that teaches me and Euan how to swim properly. We have learned how to swim on our fronts and then roll onto our backs when we need to breath. It is really fun! Euan thinks swimming is really good the teachers are good teachers and the water is just the right temperature. I think it was really fun and the teachers are really nice to us.
By Kaylan and Euan.