Balfour Beatty construction posters

We have been making construction posters for balfour Beatty to show to other schools there is also a prize first prize is a £30 gift voucher for dalscone second prize is £20 gift voucher for dalscone and third prize is £10 pound for dalscone. Everyone has worked really hard on there posters we are sending them off today and we will find out who won next year.



New Panto: Aladdin Trouble

Come see our new panto Aladdin trouble it will be good for children. it will start at 6pm get your tickets at the office quick because the first show is tonight (Tuesday 15 December) and the next show is Wednesday 16 December and on Thursday 17 December is the afternoon noisy show for the schools and little children who get bored at there houses if they are not at nursery/school. It will be great fun. Braiden is Abanazer and Logan is his slimy rhyming sidekick Wantu. I am the sultans bride and I am called Sherezade. all the back drops are handmade and so are all the props. The funniest parts are played by Isla Mark and John.


John + Mark = A washing line

Isla= Widow Twanky a big booming lady


this show is going to be a big success there are lots of big parts in this show but I think the biggest parts are widow Twanky jasmine and Aladdin.


Have you got your tickets yet they are still on sale…for 3 more hours!!!


by Kaylan and Braiden




Aladdin muddy trousers

Here at Holywood we are having a school play there is a bit of comedy, romance and drama and Dylan is the king and Mark is a washing line and braiden is Abanazer and Zak is Aladdin and you need a ticket are still  up for perches

school show

On the 15th of December is the first school show the 16th is the second school show the 17 is the 3 school show


by Gavin


School Panto

Come see our panto Aladdin trouble its a bit of that its a bit of everything. i am the lead role Aladdin  have you got your tickets.


Our School Show

This year Holywood primary are doing a school show called Aladdin trouble tonight is our first show. We are all very nervous and excited at the same time. Our favourite song is the chase window twankey wishy and washy tip toe round the stage with abanazer wantu  Aladdin jasmine and the king chase them to get the lamp. We are all very excited and can’t wait for tonight but we still have two more shows after that.

Aladdin trouble

We are doing a show could Aladdin trouble and it is on tonight at half past six at Holywood primery school. you can come if you have a tickit Ebony Georgia is nerves and this is our 4th show last year we done panto panto moniam



By Ebony and Georgia

Holywood best school show Aladdin Trouble

At Holywood we are having the brilliant new school show called Aladdin Trouble everyone is having a great time performing and singing as well. Tonight will be our first performance with are family’s there will be fun and laughter everywhere with all the funny costumes and wigs!!!!


School Show

This years school show is called Aladdin trouble. The dates are the 15th,16th and the 17th 2 are at night time and 1  is in the afternoon. The part I am playing is called Wantu and it is a fun character. He is a side kick with a rhyming compulsion and he always rhymes.

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