Aladdin Trouble Pantomime

The school play is called Aladdin trouble Braiden and Zak and Sarah Jane and Kiera are the lead rolls in This Year Panto. It will fill our Parents and other schools really happy and exited to be a part of it!!

Our motto is Every body takes part!!

There is 2 nights shows for the adults and 1 afternoon show for other schools and little children to enjoy there self and entertained.

we would love you to phone us up to bye a ticket to watch other amazing Show!!

At Holywood Primary school

Our special guest Aladdin!!

Enjoy kids and adults!!               

Don’t Forget By your tickets!!

By Braiden and Sarah Jane

Dumfries saints.

up park farm we do rugby training we do contact rugby and touch am I contact and my possession is a hooker and Wednesday and Sunday we train for an hour and a hath on Wednesday and sandy matches and my best friends are: Scott Lewis tom we play Langham stewatry newton Stewart and you can join to.

Dancing Club

 For the past 2 weeks our old P.E  Teacher Mrs Graham made a return for a dancing club. The parents were happy when Miss Dale said that both parents and children could come and she could teach us some dance moves. The dances we have learned so far are : The cowboy boogie, Electric slide and other ones and they are really cool. My mum said to us it is a way to communicate with other people and have a laugh. On the second week Miss Dale brought her dancing shoes along.



we are going to regularly check our emails so that we can send to other people we are the 4 highest in Dumfries and Galloway which is totally wicked.
also we can contact home and away like your old school and we can talk to each other the best thing is the emojeys and the different types of people( I can e mail some one in Africa).
miss dale is going to regularly type different emails like tasks and giving information.

we will be emailing soon.

by Elliot and mark

Super Carpet Fitters

We are learning about AREA in maths. We used squares as carpet tiles and we had to lay carpets with an area of 10 or 12 squares.

Look at our fabulous carpets…DSCF0111 DSCF0112 DSCF0113 DSCF0131 DSCF0133 DSCF0134 DSCF0136 DSCF0137 DSCF0138 DSCF0141 DSCF0143 DSCF0147 IMG_1065 IMG_1071 IMG_1148 IMG_1150 IMG_1151 IMG_1152We also took our own pictures!!

Balfour Beatty – visit to Holywood

Naila Akram from Balfour Beatty came in on Monday to discuss construction safety with the pupils and to launch an art competition. Look out for pupil posts on the visit and what they learned. We are excited about the art competition and hope to have some worthy winners!

IMG_1066 IMG_1067

Shoe Envy!!

There was a lot of discussion about my shoes last night at Let’s Dance at Holywood School.

Please see pictures taken by Elliot to show you all the excellent and comfortable shoes I was wearing to dance.

We have learned some line dances – including the Cowboy Boogie and Electric Slide. We are working on a Samba and a Salsa.

Did the shoes help?  Although it was easier to dance in a heel and my feet did not hurt, unfortunately the shoes were unable to improve the quality of my dance skills!!  🙁 IMG_1146 IMG_1147Please come along to dance class and join us… it is great fun!!

Miss Dale

Twig and Tig Tag

Miss Stapleton and I are on a course about Tig Tag. We are learning about new features of the resource.

You can access it at home by logging into GLOW and finding it on your share page.

Get learning!!

Miss Dale

Roald Dahl Boy

My current E.R.I.C book ( everyone reads in class) is Roald Dahl Boy which is an autobiography by Roald Dahl.  An autography  is a book about his life.


my book in eric is peter pan I am really enjoying it I rate it 5 out of five stars . I am on chapter 4 its when peter pan appears in the night its really good

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