News round

Day on news round the farm’s have a brand new tractor with no steering wheel  and no driver

they  also  a drone to tell them when there  crops  are ready to harvest.





great barrier reef starfish

the great barrier of reef[which is next to queen lands Australia] is being threating by crowns of thorns starfish! don’t fear its ok there is a robot that injects them with poisoning liquid that kill them. then they pick up dead starfish there are trying to get rid of the starfish.

Machines On Newsround

Today on Newsround there was a NON–drivable tractor that could move itself around and it could do everything tractors do when humans sit on it but this machine could do it all by itself!

Another story on Newsround was a drone that told farmers  when their fields were finished being ploughed by the driver-less tractor.

The last machine story was another drone that went under water instead of in the air. It was made to kill of some species of armoured starfish.

By Kaylan P4  

news round

on news round there is a tractor with out a driver controlled by remote  from another field. also a drone that can tell farm farmers when crops

are good to cut.. they are trying to kill the star fish because the are killing fish . there is a mini Olympics going on in manchester

news round

extraordinarily there is no person tractors  that are remote controlled by the farmer it helps the farmers to not waste petrol that is done by batteries and every time it runs out they just replace them.

there’s also drones that tell the farmers that there crops are ready to harvest with combine harvesters.

there’s a women how attempted to swim across a bog in only a wet suit and a snorkel it is very hard a bog is really stiff not like a swimming pool it took her a very long time to cross the bog .

star fish destroyer scientist are trying to make a star fish destroyer to kill a species of armoured star fish it injects poison into the star fish.

Driverless tractor awesome Drone

The driverless tractor is a revolution to farmers across the world. The brand is John Deere and is a good brand to make one. I don’t know how it was made  but it looks awesome so maybe if your family is a farming family maybe you could get one of these and  use it. Now the drone It’s a cool one because is can scan the crops to see if they are ready to harvest using heat censers . So now it is an ordinary drone with a heat censer to scan it

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