super kites

super kites  come in very fast because of the wind the wind brings it in fast.

super kites are fast to go it needs to be very very  windy.

and the wind brings kite away.

the wind needs to be strong for the kite.

super kites are not water proof.


How a kite flies

Put the kite facing the wind. Pulling the kite turning from side to side. On a day that does not have much wind you can still  find some wind. Some time its hard to get a kite down!  You have to be in a place where it is windy.

by Sarah-Jane


How A Kit Flies

In order to fly a kite probably kits need to have enough lift to over come gravity and drag. Keeping the wright tension on the line is importing too. The line should     Flying a kite is great fun on a windy day. It’s also very relaxing. So ditch those video games, get off the couch, and read the following directions to get you on your way to kite flying with the best of them. Light and medium winds (think 6-15 mph) will serve best the Delta, Diamond, and Dragon shapes. If the wind is strong, however (8-25 mph), use a Box or stickles Para foil kite to maintain flight easily.

If there are leaves on the ground and they’re being tossed around gently, that’s perfect. 5–25 mph (8.0–40.2 km/h) is the range you’re looking for. Take out a flag or a windsock and test what it does before you spend your afternoon possibly disappointed.[1]Only fly in safe conditions — that means no rain or lightning. There’s actually electricity in clouds that is attracted to wet kite lines. Ben Franklin was one foolish kite flier Trees may seem harmless, but the fewer the better. They’ve been known to eat a few kites in their time.

Flying a kite is much, much easier with two people — and it stays fun longer.

Step 1

The kite should be facing you with your back to the wind. If the wind is behind the kite, it will fall.

Step 2

Have your partner back away from you this distance, with a bit of give. Make sure there are no obstacles near where the kite will set off from.

Step 3

You may want to wait for a gust of wind for the initial take-off. You should pull on the string to provide a bit of tension and launch your kite into the air.

Step 4

Suppose that you are the “Flier” and the other person holding the kite is the “Launcher.”Arrange yourselves so that the wind is blowing from the Flier to the Launcher


fantastic flyers

kites have a lot of power to fly and it has to build up altitude .to fly at amazing speeds across the sky now you have control of the kite now you can do amazing tricks. ( Safety alert you need to wear gloves or you will have string burn) the string has a big impact wear you put the string  is vital  for flying your kite Do not  fly a kite in a thunder storm  or you will be electrocuted now. There are many kite festivals across the globe to go to like Spain . Spain has one in Mallorca has one every year.

the rover adventures

I read a book it has got three story’s in it my favirote one is the gigglers treatment these three wee monster things called gigglers  . this man called Mr mack  keeps finding dog poo and the gigglers  keep watching him to see if he steps in dog poo and what happens is he finds the gigglers  and they give him giggler treatment and he never stops laughing.

By Isla p4

This book sounds great but who has been reading it ? We need to know your name mystery reader!

Miss Dale 🙂

The latest newsround!!!

Newsround today was about a lot of things starting with jet Man.

Have you ever wondered what it is like to fly like a bird? Meet jet Man. There is a man with jet propelled wings and everybody calles him jet man. You have to move your body left to turn left you have to turn your body right to turn right.

A lamb has been born in whales called Jake and he has 5 legs  but he is just fine and he is prancing around like all lambs do.

There is a frog in Cameroon that is nearly extinct and they have been born in London at London zoo we are hoping that there habitats will rise over the years and they will not become extinct.

The lynx a kind of big cat has been realised into the wild and everybody is having a debate to see if we should keep them out in the wild or not.

We did the newsround quiz of the week we got 7/10 which is not a bad score I thought we would get them all correct but we did not.

In Nepal there has been an earthquake and many people have lost homes and lifes. Some countries are sending aid (stuff they need) like: tents,food,water,and clothes. And the famous mount everist has had lots of avalanches. 17 people have been kilt on Everest and over 3,000 people died because of the earthquake.




Newsround today

There’s a man who can fly in the sky like a bird or a plane using jet propelled wings. He is called Jet Man. He is from the USA and he is a fully trained pilot. Please do not try this at home!!!

There were more frogs on Newsround again this week. This time, an endangered frog from Cameroon has been bred in captivity in London Zoo. This is a good thing because it means we are saving the species.

Also there was a Lynx which is now endangered. People killed it for its fur, and also to stop it killing farm animals. They are having a debate about if we should do something about it.

There has been an earthquake in Nepal. Mount Everest is in Nepal, and it has made avalanches. Over 3000 people have been killed. People from other countries are trying to help them.

Tune in next week for more Newsround stories! by P1-4

The reading challenge

  • On the reading challenge you have to complete ten books and do ten challenges for them all.When you have finished reading a book the you have to ask a teacher to do your gimme10 some large books are worth 2 points and little books are worth 1 point. I have read all ten books and completed ten challenges ( and most of them were blogs) so I got to slide down the water slide and I am now going to have a fun water day and get a free ice cream and the worst part will be everybody watching me and maybe Kye having fun.
  • By Kaylan


Miss Dale  🙂

Black Beauty

Black Beauty is the book I am doing for my Reading challenge.

It is about a horse that is sold to a lot of people in the story. at the start of the story he starts off in a field.

If I would to describe in 3 words it would be happy, sad, sold a lot. He is black and white.

by Sarah-Jane




Newsround today was mostly about the General Election. This is when 18s and over can vote for who they want to be our new prime minister of the UK. P1-4 didn’t think it was the most exciting Newsround but we had a talk about how important it is to the country. There were children interviewing Nicola Sturgeon who is the SNP leader.

Then we went and watched a clip about a new species of frog that has been discovered. It is see-through. It is called a glass frog, and you can see its organs inside it. It is not made of glass though. The frog lives in Central America so we probably won’t see it in our garden.

After that we watched the Strange, Stranger, Strangest video. The first story was about a gorilla that walks on two legs like us. The second video was about a chimpanzee hitting a drone down from the air with a stick and investigating it. The last story was about a new chef robot that can cook us dinner, but you have to use some special gloves to work it. We can’t buy it yet and it will cost loads of money when we can so we are not sure if we want one.

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