The Exploding Parrot

The story is about a bomb that is found near a school and a parrot goes missing.  I liked that the bomb was from world war 2 and it could explode.  It was funny that the parrot could talk.  8.2/10

by euan p.3

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

This book is set during the war times. Four children called Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy enter a wardrobe into the land of Narnia.They lived in London but had to be sent away because of air-raids, but sent to a house of a old professor. I like the book because it was a little adventure for the children I would give this book 8/10.


John Mattinson,  primary 6

Go! Go! Chichico!

This book was about a boy called Chichico who was crazy about football.  He came from the slums(not a nice place) and only played football in his barefeet.  His dream came true when he was spotted by a man in a black suit and got a trial for Santos Brazil, but he had no football boots.  His friends stole a pair from the changing rooms for him but when he played in them he wasnt very good and didnt get picked.  He showed the coach what he was like playing in his barefeet and scored

I liked when Chichico met the man in the black suit.  I give this book 8/10

By Euan P.3


I watched a movie for my Reading Challenge

The film was called sponge bob square Pants.
The film is about a sponge This film is supposed SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick
Crusta crab who wants to open up a new restaurant an octupus gets angry because he wants his pay cheque.
My favourite part was when Patrick shouted for another ice cream.
Score 10 out of 10


By Kye

Newsround P.1/2

We have been watching Newsround again. There was a really big storm called Cyclone Pam. It has torn down trees and smashed houses. Some bricks and houses have been torn apart. The wind has blown off roofs. The people there need food and clean water and new homes. They also need medicine, and socks and pants and pyjamas! Different countries are sending them help, like Britain.

In a country called Syria there is a war. People have been fighting each other and some people have escaped. They went to other countries beside Syria like Jordan and Lebanon. They live in camps, and they are starting to get to go to school. We think this will make them happier, and we think its good because they will get to learn new words and they will learn to write like us.

People are going to the beach to see what has been thrown or ended up in the water. They have found plastic bags, bottles, lids from Smarties tubes, and little toys. We already knew about this because Emily brought a man who has the same job as the lady on Newsround and he talked with us. He had found lots of rubber ducks, and footballs. It is bad because fish and sharks and turtles might think they are food and eat them. They might end up poorly or they might die.

6 people were stuck on the top of a rollercoaster for three hours in Australia. The fire engine came and had to help them down. Miss McGregor says she got stuck at the top of the PepsiMax for 2 hours. She says it wasn’t that scary. All the people were OK and got down safely.

news round

in Australia a rollercoaster got  stuck fire fighters took 3h to get them down.

Syria there was a war between the government and the people the kids hade to move because the war. The good thing is that the kids go to school.

plastic has shod up on our beach because people keep throwing it in the water.


you could interview an astronaut

Who is James f. Reilly

Reilly has spent more than 850 hours in space . completed five spacewalks three space shuttle missions and multiple visits to the international space station During these missions he has travelled more than 22.5 million km 14 million miles and orbited the Earth more than 550 times!




by Gavin p4


Straw bale houses

New houses are being made out of straw it is like a woolly jumper for a house.  It’s  a added heater for your house so you don’t need your heating up high . It has a wooden frame then the straw walls plus bricks now stone panels but  the straw might fall out and it  might burn easily and your family might have an allergies  to straw and be sick or have a bad rash there’s a about 3 or 5 in Scotland but it might have a straw city in about 2 to 7 years . now a lot of people are wanting to buy these houses are these the houses of the future

Fanged Frogs Bizarre Birth!!

A new frog discovered in Indonesia is the only known species to give birth to live tadpoles rather than eggs.



The different frog species is investigated in the latest issue of the journal PLOS ONE.  In the journal they named the frog Limnonectes larvaepartus. Known for its two teeth on the lower jaw which are used to catch prey and or fight rivals. ( SHHHHH: these are not real teeth they are just jaw extensions!! ) Frogs can give birth in MANY ways but … This frog gives birth to live tadpoles!!! There are 6,455 know species of different frogs in the whole entire world. This is the most unique frog I have ever heard of !!!



By Charlie


The black death is a disease also known as the Great Plague. The black death was bought by Asian traders. It is Asia’s Gerbils, long tailed ground squirrels and Altai marmots are more to blame than rats, as people previously thought.

By Lewis

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