Gym with Miss Dale

With Miss Dale on a Friday morning p4-7 have gym we are focusing on badminton we do a sequence with a racket and partner. We have to do 3 different thing 4 times.   We play games like battle ships we get split in to 3 teams 1 team get to sit down on the floor well 1 team sits on the bench and the other team get a racket and shuttlecock   and try and hit the people on the floor. and then we swap over.

by Isla p4

WWI 10 facts.

1.In trenches they had lice .

2.For breakfast they had a hard biscuit and lunch.

3. For a toilet they had do it  in a bucket if they were lucky .

4.In their water there was oil in it.

5.In the trenches they did not get washed .

6.If they did not want to go home they got shot .

7.They did not want to tell there family the truth .

8.They did not have any clean water.

9.They had to wipe with newspaper or grass.

10. They had a very  dirty body in the trenches.

WW1 top 10 facts

1. The men were so dirty that they had lice and more on there body.

2.Breakfast for a front line soldier would be a hard biscuit with jam or porridge if he was lucky.

3.Trenches had duck boards to keep the soldiers out of the sticky mud.

4.Not all the time did food arrive in good condition sometimes it had fell into a shell hole or it came under attack by the Germans.

5.Toilet paper in the trenches was made out of newspaper or the tail of the shirt they were wearing. When the USA came to war their soldiers were issued soft tissue toilet rolls.

6. 1 A soldier once counted 103 lice crawling about his body.

7. Not all men used a latrine (a toilet to you and me) they done it in their helmets and chucked the toilet out of the trench.

8.They didn’t find it easy to keep clean in the trenches because there was no showers or baths so they became dirty and smelly.

9.The men had loads of bugs on their body and they lived by sucking  blood so the man was dying and the bugs are living.

10. The soldiers loved to write home to their family but they can only write 1 letter in the letter they had to lie to their family about trench life.

World War one 10 Facts

1. In the Trenches they used  duck boards so they don’t sink in the mud.

2. They had lice all over their bodies.

3. They ate hard biscuit for breakfast and lunch.

4. Every Trench had a toilet dug in it.

5. Soldiers found it very hard to keep clean in the trenches.

6. Food did not always arrive in good condition.

7. Lice rats and flies spread diseases

8. Some soldiers had rum before the attack this was an issued ration.

9 They didn’t have any clean water

10.They had no toilet paper.


Students came from the university of west Scotland to teach us about Dementia. We learned about how to help someone with Dementia you need to talk to them and calm them down that is one of the best things you can do because there is no cure for Dementia. Dementia affects the brain you can start to forget people and where you are. it can be quite scary not knowing  were you are. Dementia can give you head aches. Soon Dementia will have a cure because scientists are working on it. You can’t get Dementia off someone else you are just unlucky if you get it.


Child Line came to our school to remind us about it. We got a certificate for under standing what we learned and for being very polite. The 17\21 is anti bullying week. If your angry or frustrated call 08001111 and child line is a private site its only for your self. Child line will help you and under stand what you are saying.

Health group

In health group we are doing road safety and different sports for different seasons.

In health group we are planting all different kind’s of  froot  and veg Cameron/Ryan/Docota/Leland water the froot and veg.

In health group we  make poster.

In the greenhouse there are all kinds veg.

Mabie farm park on Hallowe’en

On the 30th of September the whole school at six o clock went  to Mabie  farm park. It was  a great night with lots of scary costumes! Miss dale was dressed up as batman . They were lots to do like visit  the witch in her cave and get a trick or treat bag . They were  slippery  and wet grass slides with flood lights I got soaked . There  was a ghost train witch was spooky  a bit. A vampire and mummy  jumped out  they just got ran over at the end it went through  a stream .  At the café we ether got a hot dog or a sandwich for a drink we could get dilution juice or fizzy juice for desert we could get jelly and ice cream  a cupcake  or a biscuit .

by Isla  Dacre  p4

Beetle Drive

We had a Beetle drive it was fun. I got a full beetle but I did not win. This is how you play it the youngest starts they roll the dice if they get a six they draw a body. If you roll five they draw a head. If you roll a three you draw a leg in till you get six legs. If you roll a tow you draw a antenna in till you have tow. If you roll a one you draw a eye in till you get tow. Then you count up the scores.

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