Space: Saturn

We are learning about space and the solar system. we started this mini topic last  Tuesday. The planet I chose was satarn. I am now on to my poster and we also need to do a planet model (which I’ve done)

Aaron, P6

Personal Project

The personal project this month was about What we have been reading in reading box, Im doing it about Motocross and the Motocross callender.

Space Pesonal Project

Last week  we started a personal project on space, with Miss Baxter on a tuesday and wednesday afternoon me and chloe are doing Pluto and doing M ercury is Jack and Charlie we have to make a model and poster all about our planet. We will hang up them in the big class  with a gigantic sun to go along with them.

By Lewis M

Tree Den/platform

Hi! John and Lewis Mcnish have been recently making a tree platform made out of blue rope and thick sticks they have almost finished the platform. John and Blair have found 2 ways to climb up and down the tree to get to the platform.

        BY JOHN (:

home work diary

Two weeks ago P4 – 7 got home work diarys. Parents have to sign the diary if the child has done all there homework.
The diary will have the name of the homework they have to do.
The diary will hav the childes name on the front .
The diary is a smal yelo book with home work diary on the front. If the childe dusint do the work or hand it in on time the child wil get a punishment exersize.
By abigail.T

Space Project

We are working on our space project. We all got are own planet from the solar system. We have to make a model of our planet we’re making them out of balloons and paper masha.

Last week we learned…

About  space, that is are new project. We all got a planet and we had to make a model and make a poster, we still have until Thursday. We had to find information in books and then after we had used books we were aloud to use the computer.

pesonal Project

Today I  am doing my pesonal project. You have to: Read a card from the green reading box , write down the key facts , next read books and go online last of all turn it into a poster.It is very fun I am nearly finished my poster on sharks p4-7 is doing it.

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