On Easter at school we done bunny drive, find the easter eggs and create a egg and we miny cars for them and there was we ranps.We were really excited that day and we won some chocolate. It was an amazing day for us after the teacher told us a story.
Easter day
Easter Day
On 23 of April we did Easter work Mark and Axel smash egg over there head. We made cars for the eggs we try not to crack the eggs but half of the carts broke and the eggs went flying on to the floor and smashed all over the floor.We had Easter egg hunt but my favorite was the desing a egg i made a tardis.We had a bunny/beetle drive you had to roll a 6 to get a body and 5 to get a head.We also rolled eggs down the hill. We had lots of fun we all loved it.Made By Zak Wells
Medevil night
Create an Egg
Egg getting splatted
On Tuesday we came back from 2weeks 1day of holidays it was amazing. We had a easter fun day at school. We liked eggs getting splattered all over the floor but we cleaned the eggs up.