
Today we were debating  – Should we put on school uniform?

And this is what Olivia said – ‘get more pencil skirts’.

Others thought:

It makes you a part the team.

 You look the same – its boring.

School uniform is dull  .

Its so uncomfortable , it’s itchy .

Its’ not neat .

It would be nice to wear some thing different for a change.

You don’t have to worry about picking out  clothes for school.

Harder to get lost on a trip if you are in school uniform .

Makes you look more like the team.

Every body looks the same .

 If on a school trip to know your a part of a team .  Repreasents your school.

Own clothes would be wrecked .

Takes longer to choose own clothes.

Miss Dale asked why looking the same or feeling part of the team might be important. Braiden said that sometimes people could get bullied because others didn’t like them – like football strips and supporting different teams.

Others thought that as this didn’t happen at Holywood we should be allowed to not wear uniform. Miss Dale was not persuaded and instead suggested that we have some non uniform days. Keira suggested that we should have a day when boys dressed as girls and girls dressed as boys. Most thought this was a fun idea.

Axel felt very strongly about not liking school uniform and tried to get his group to write more negatives than positives but a good debate looks at both sides of the arguement or question. Axel and his group went back to their discussion and wrote down all the suggestions and views.

What do you think?


On Easter at school we done bunny drive, find the easter eggs and create a egg  and we miny cars for them and there was we ranps.We were really excited that day and we won some chocolate. It was an amazing day for us after the teacher told us  a  story.

Easter Day

On 23 of April we did Easter work  Mark and Axel smash egg over there head. We made cars for the eggs we try not to crack the eggs but half of  the carts broke and the eggs went flying on to the floor and smashed all over the floor.We had Easter egg hunt but my favorite was the desing a egg i made a tardis.We had a bunny/beetle drive you had to roll a 6 to get a body and 5 to get a head.We also rolled eggs down the hill. We had lots of fun we all loved it.Made By Zak Wells

 this young lady trys to get throw the chair tunnel

Medevil night

The medevil night was a succses there was a lot of people there the most hardest was josting the food was good. The armour that the kids made were good.The armour that miss dale got .


On 22nd of april 2014  we had a easter fun day at school. It had lots of fun stuff to do. The best thing was the egg racer  because  we had to make something to hold a number of eggs it was funny when some eggs cracked.This young man is putting his eggs back in.

Create an Egg

Easter day at school  we had lots of compitions and the most exicting one was decorate a egg  .you had to be creative to win. And someof the eggs splatted because they were not boiled.

Egg getting splatted

On Tuesday we came back from 2weeks 1day of  holidays it was amazing.  We had a easter fun day at school. We liked eggs getting splattered all over the floor but we cleaned the eggs up.

weather today

Morning… The max temp outside is 12 degrise selcis the rain is 64.0 mm the wind is 6 mph at this monent  thank you for reading our weather blog for the 22 of April 2014 we will do another weather blog post tomoro bye bye.


to day p 5/7 have been playing ukulele for our parents we had fish and chips and a ukulele cake it looked really good. We played 5 songs then the parents clapped to us then got fish from our cook the fish and chip were nice. We all went out side for our brake so the boys played football we got a extra 5 mins all to gether we got 20 mins. 











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