Should kids be allowed t.v.s in their bedrooms ?

We are having a debate about should kids be allowed t.v.s in their bedrooms :


You can learn when you watck t.v,

watch till tired,choose what you want to watch,

no fights over the remote,watch t.v and you’ll be quieter,

play your games in your rooms it makes you happy :),

relax and watch your favriote shows,

watch the news and find out whats happining in the world,

plug in gaming consoles and vidio chat to family,watch it when you’re bored


Watch things you’re not supposed to,

watch it too late and not be able to get up,

have nightmares,

bad for eyes,

stops you from going outside,

get less sleep,

spend less time with your family,

using electricity,

costs money,

noise pollution,

health and safty,

no social life,

less exersise,

no communication,

miss out  on family news,

don’t go to sleep on time,

impacts on feelings-grumpy,

negative  impact on behaviour,

head ache,

puts on weight,

bad for mental health.


What age do you think you should be to have a t.v. in your room?

Does watching t.v. help get you get to sleep?

Is it worse to have a laptop or a t.v.?

Does watching t.v. help you to relax?

What is the price for the t.v.?

Does watching t.v. bad for your health?

What are the risk to children?

If they did what size?

Should children under the age of five be aloud a t.v. in their room?

Should children be allowed to watch t.v. when  their parents are asleep?

How many t.v.s should we be allowed in your house?

Pupils in the senior class were not impressed that there are clearly more negatives than positives but they did the talking and listening!!

What do you think?

Comment and let us know.

under pants

we are doing a challge. we have to reffents to a book and the juges aka techers  try to guest the book. you can win book clip so you can read your book in the dark and many other things who will win and who will lose[we have to draw them on to papar pants]

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Paul Klee

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paul klee

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Rounders Rocks!

We had PE with Miss Stapleton today and we decided we would go to play rounders outside because it was a lovely day.
To play rounders you need to split into 2 teams. One team had to throw the ball, to the other team that was batting. The person batting then had to run to the next hoop before the bowling team got there. Today one team got 15 points and the other team got 5. Next week we will practise our bowling and batting! Rounders is awesome! From P1,2, and 3 (and Miss Stapleton).

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