Using Capital Letters!

I have been reading the posts on the blog and they are very interesting. However, it would be great if pupils would read over their work to correct spelling and CAPITAL letters.

Place names

People’s names


At the start of a sentence

PLEASE start putting in your capital letters.

Thank you,

miss dale   🙁         Miss Dale 🙂

Castles around Scotland!

For the last few weeks in mathes we have been working on map reading. We needed to decide a route around the castles in Scotland starting and ending in Dumfries. My route was from Dumfries to Ayr to Stirling to Falkirk to Mull to Edinbrugh to Stonehaven to Kinross and back to Dumfries. The skills I was using were map reading, measuring in cms and using a scale.

By Jack Storey


In maths Decartes have been using UK atlases. We have been traveling to all the famous castles in Scotland on the atlases, to see who took the shortest in Km and who got the least money. I got 950km and £115. This is the skills I used doing the task I can read a map, I can measure accurately in centimeters, I can use a scale to convert in to kilometers, I can add decimals.

                                                                                   By Lewis R

Scale Maps

In maths we have been using atlases to show the shortest route to different castles in Scotland. From Falkirk to Mull to Kinross and to Dumfries. My personal route took 760KM and cost £76 plus £20 boat fair. We were measuring the atlases every centimeter equaled 20 kilometer.

By Lewis McNish

All Around Scotland !!!

Recently in maths we have been doing measure. The group im in (Descarte) we were doing km and cm. we got gave a selction of castles that are in diffrent parts of scotland and a map of scotland. There were places like falkirk , ayr ect. 

By Axel

Tudors and traitors

I read Tudors and traitors there are four different story’s in this book it is a very good book it is about a nice girl called Ellie Who goes to work in a castle. The people there are not very nice and she hated working there. Also working at the castle was a boy called Lambert, he lied about who he really was. One night  the guards came to get the kings daughter Ellie and take her to her father. The king wants her to spy on people in the castle. Ellie told him about Lambert and promised to find out the truth about him. The following day she found out that the cook cooked himself a feast, she rushed to tell the king.

The next story was about  a man and his son James who wanted money. The man pretends to kill James by stabbing him but James was protected by a plank of wood. Which the dagger went into. He removed the plank when he as in the coffin and his mum pretended to save him by retiring a spell in a strange Egyptian language. James opened the coffin lid and jumped out the coffin. His dad held his hat out and every one emptied there pockets. A woman from the crowd with wild hair looked in the coffin and found the plank with the dagger in it she told the crowd that it was all a trick. Suddenly the crowed snatched the  fathers hat witch held all the money and he was smacked by the end of a sword. James was kicked by a dirty boot and  james mums purse was taken. The family all hid. a man stepped out of the shadow of the doorway. He intoduced himself as a jester and took james family to the castle so they could show king henry how the trick was done. The king  loved it and the crowd all got up and cheered. King henry challenged james father to a game of cards and king henry lost, several times. Name whispered to his father that he should let the king win because he hates  to lose so he did. James father lost everything but james grabbed some  gold no one saw they set off  around the county. They used the gold to buy a carriage.

Cooking in a Castle

Today in class we tried lots of different meats that would have been eaten by noble men and woman living in castles 500 years ago. We tried rabbit, hare, pheasant, pigeon and deer.

We made flat breads using Jamie Oliver’s recipe…

flat bread recipe

although perhaps a little less salt!

Traditionally flat breads would have been used like a plate except this one could soak up your gravy and you could eat it.

We also tried some fruit chutneys unbelievably these were not as popular as the meats!

Most of the pupils tried out the now rarely eaten foods – pigeon was found to be the favourite.

A big thank you to Mr McKeown for providing the meat for our tasty castle banquet!

Medieval Food,Entertainment And Now And Then

On Tuesday the 11th of  February 2014 our whole school was learning about medieval time subjects such as food that they ate, entertainment and now and then. For food we learnt that they ate rabbit, hare, pigeon, dear and pheasant . We also made our own flat bread. They were all very devine,! My favourite was the rabbit but many liked the pigeon. For entertainment we saw that they did jousting, sword fights and for birthdays they had big feast. In our time we play iPads PS3, Xbox , phones Ect. From then until now we learnt quite a bit. We learnt that they did not sleep on beds the slept on hay, straw or the cold floor. They used the chamber pot for the toilet and they shout gardyloo. We really enjoyed learning.

By Charlie Marshall P6

Typed on the iPad.

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