Blog Visitors

After setting up our blog in October 2010 to provide an opportunity for families to gain an insight into the life of Nursery, we added a counter to measure the number of visitors to our site. Unfortunately, after a few years, there were problems with this so in October 2015 we added a new counter to monitor visitor numbers and we are delighted to say that we have now had more than 16 000 visitors in that time. If you click on the small map, further down this page on the right, then click on ‘Locations’, you can see that we have had visitors from 30 countries which is amazing.
We really appreciate the comments on our posts as this, hopefully, helps to make it a fun, shared site for everyone. Thank you for your support in keeping our blog active. We hope that you find it helpful and informative.

Visit From Primary 6

As part of our transition work, Primary 6 children have begun to visit Nursery to play and build relationships with our children. They have worked on what makes a good buddy and are showing great enthusiasm and skills with the younger children. Thank you Primary 6 for doing a great job on your first visit. Keep up the good work – the Nursery children enjoyed your visits.

Interesting Visitors

We had some exciting visitors to the Nursery garden at the end of last week. As you can see, the children were intrigued by their visit so decided to get a front seat view of their work. There were some interesting conversations about what the workmen were building and how they were doing it, for example, one child was heard telling others that “cement makes things stick”. No doubt you too have noticed the large wooden pillars concreted into the ground around the mud area – the children are waiting to see what happens next.

Special Visitor

Mrs CChildren who will start at Elmvale Primary in August had a lovely visitor to see them in Nursery recently. Mrs. Corrie has been meeting lots of children who have enjoyed showing her their special books. We hope that you all have great fun on your school visits coming up soon and want to thank Mrs. Corrie for her visits which mean a lot to the children and their families.

Baby Talk

One of the Health and Wellbeing learning outcomes at Early Level is to show an awareness of the tasks required to look after a baby so we thought that there could be no better way to find out about this than to invite Miss Awde in to Nursery with her beautiful little baby. The morning children had lots of good questions for Miss Awde as they thought about the differences between themselves and a baby.
Miss Awde and Devon are coming back in this week to visit the afternoon children so they will be able to ask any questions they may have then. Thank you Devon for being a super visitor and for bringing your Mummy with you. We are looking forward to seeing you again soon.

Noah’s Ark

ark3As promised after our visit to his church, Rev. McGougan visited Nursery last week to tell us the story of Noah’s ark and it was lovely to have several parents and younger children joining us, especially as it was Hecklegirth Open Day. ark4Fortunately we had our own ark out as part of the play so some of the children were able to help Rev. McGougan tell the story by putting the animals in the ark when we came to that part of the story. Thank you to Rev. McGougan for taking time out of his busy week to spend time with us – it’s much appreciated.
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Open Day

Tomorrow, May 4th May, is an Open Day at Hecklegirth. After the children showed an interest in the story of Noah’s Ark on our visit to his church, Rev. McGougan is coming in to Nursery at 11.30 and 2.30 to tell them the story and parents are more than welcome to join us if they would like to. As always, you can also join us to play at any time during the day.

Easter Bunny Visit

For all you mums and dads who might not be sure if your child imagined something at Nursery yesterday, here is the evidence that the Easter Bunny did indeed visit us on the last day of term. We were all sitting happily enjoying a story together when we caught sight of our surprise visitor out on the school field. As you can see, there was a mad dash for the window to catch sight of the bunny and, as quickly as we could wave and wonder where it had come from, it had gone leaving a lovely basket of little eggs for everyone. Some thought it had disappeared down a big hole, others thought it had hopped up to a passing cloud and some thought it might have magic fairy dust to make it disappear but it was lovely to have a special visit and we were all delighted with the basket of eggs it left. Have a Happy Easter boys and girls and watch out for that bunny in Annan because we still don’t know where it disappeared to.

Learning About Our Post

The recent visit from a postal officer made the children think about how letters and parcels reach their doors. There were some interesting ideas but Lenny the Letter’s DVD helped the children to learn about a letter or parcel’s journey. We then heard about the different equipment a postal officer uses, including an exciting visit to the playground to see the postal van, and we were amazed that our special visitor even knew where lots of us lived. I wonder if any of our Nursery children will end up delivering our post in the future?
Click then click again for a clearer view.

Police Visit

There have been so many great jobs to find out about during World of Work week and one of the visitors adding to the children’s career ideas was our local police officer. Although the main suggestion from the children was that a police officer spends the day putting bad people in jail, they started to think about what other things they might do and came up with some good ideas. Once our visit was over, a few decided to act the part of a police officer and looked quite the part. We are all looking forward to visiting the police station soon when we can find out a little more about this popular job.

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