What Happens In The Police Station?

Part of our learning about our community is to develop an understanding of which jobs people can do and where they work. We have been looking at photos of a range of buildings in Annan and discussing what happens in them. The children are beginning to think about their community and we are having some interesting discussions about it.
Here are a few of their ideas about the police station.

Savannah: the police take away the bad people.
Mary: if we lose things we go to the police.
Rebecca: my Mummy lost her purse so we went to the police station.
Max: you ask a policeman if you get lost.
Mikey: the police have a car that goes vroom.
Dan: the police arrest people that’s bad.
Ben: police put the bad men in jail.
Archie: policemen work in the police station.

We think that P.C. Leggett will be impressed by the children’s knowledge when we visit the police station. He is looking forward to our visit when we can learn more about his job.

Love Is In The Air

Last week we talked about Valentine’s Day and what it means. The children were keen to share their ideas on who they love and why. We also discussed what they could do to show someone that they loved them. We thought that you might enjoy a few of their ideas.

Ava V.: Auntie Sarah reads me stories. I love my family and friends. I can give them hugs to make them happy.
Archie: I love my baby brother and draw pictures for him.
you can tickle them to make them happy.
Finlay: I give my Granny a big kiss.
Dan: I could make sandcastles for them.
Freya: be nice. It makes them happy. Mum took me to Disney On Ice. I got a special dress.
Riley: we can give them kisses to make them happy. My Mum takes us to the park.
Ben: Grandma gets me toys and lots of sleepovers.
Max: I get lots of cuddles and kisses.
Sophie S.: my Mummy gives me cuddles. I love my Daddy too. I make him pictures of me.
Darcey G.: I give Mummy cuddles.
Theo: we go to the ice hockey together.
Mikey: I love my Mummy. She gives me hugs.

How Do We Know It’s Winter?

Our learning at the start of this term is focussed on the signs of winter and how it affects our lives. As a starting point we have been talking about how we know it’s winter. This has also encouraged the children to think about the recent flooding that has featured on the news and which some have experienced in Annan. We would like to share some of the children’s ideas about winter.

Carmen: it’s winter ’cause it’s colder and the grass turns in to snow. The trees have lost their leaves because the snow’s too strong to make them stay on.
Roxy: it’s winter because we’re learning about it. It’s cold and sometimes it’s snowing and we get Jack Frost.
Deryn: the pond gets frozen and you can skate on it.
Tom: it’s cold and we need hats and gloves.
Reagyn: Jack Frost makes ice. He normally comes to life and if water’s there he makes it alive.
Lexi: you get nice and warm in a jacket ’cause it’s winter.
Rebecca: you need gloves and a scarf when it’s winter.
Fearne: you need coats ’cause it’s cold.
Jade: I like winter ’cause it’s snow. The snow falls all down.
Jessica W: you get wind and rain too in winter.
Logan: there was a big flood at the harbour and a ball went swimming in it.
Conan: you need to rescue people when it’s all flooding.
William: a flood is very high water that goes up in the clouds after a while.

The Story Of The Nativity

Last week’s story of the nativity has made an impression on the children. As you can see, some of them have been recreating the story through role play and some are able to talk about it. Some of their ideas may not all be exactly how we told the story but you can see that they have understood much of the detail.

Brogan: baby Jesus slept in the hay. A queen came to see him.
Archie: well what happened was this … they couldn’t find a hotel so they had to go to a farm. A king came to see him.

Ava V.: there were wise old kings in the story.
Bethany: Jesus had a manger not a cot. Mary is his Mummy.

Sophie S.: Joseph was the Daddy. Mary was the Mum.
Zachary: Jesus was in the story and three wise men.

Riley: Jesus got born in the hay.

Freya: Jesus’ Mummy was Mary.
Simon: baby Jesus never found anywhere to sleep. He had to sleep in the hay.

Jayden: he slept in the hay ’cause there was no beds for him.
Amy-Leigh: baby Jesus was born on his birthday.

Kandinsky Comments

We have been looking at these pieces of work by the artist Kandinsky this week. The children have talked about they can see in his paintings and have been thinking about whether they prefer his paintings or those of Arcimboldo who they learned about last term.
Bethany: he’s done twirls just like a princess (picture 1)
Zachary: it’s like eyes that are green and lots of colours (picture 1)
Freya: there’s squares and there’s purple. I love it. (picture 1)
Kailey: Arcimboldo’s the best ’cause it’s more stuff like food.
Ava V.: I like Kandinsky because I like the swirls.

Dan: it’s got flags and spots that look like the moon.(picture 2)
Riley: it’s like a flag (picture 2)
Bethany: it looks like a walker for a baby (picture 2)
Theo: it’s got a yellow head (picture 3)
Sophie S: it’s all spots and a head (picture 3)
Zachary: Arcimboldo’s the best.
Kailey: I like it. I like the greeny blue bit. (picture 3)
Dan: it looks like a shark’s back. It’s got shapes and the fin of a shark.(picture 3)

What Can We Do That Animals Can’t?

As we have been learning about our bodies this week, we have been talking about what our bodies can do and comparing what we can do with what animals can do. In the Sunshine Room we had a tricky question:
“What can we do that animals can’t do?”
This certainly made our brains work hard and the children showed good thinking skills with some of their answers.

Lexi: nod our heads.
William: animals can’t walk on roofs or wash their hands.
Sophie L.: they can’t draw.
Reagyn: they can’t hold a pen.
Carmen: they can’t hold hands and they can’t make music.
Deryn: they can’t make a banana sandwich.
Ava: we can brush our teeth but animals can’t.
Conan: they can’t drive.
Carmen: they can’t talk.
Roxy: animals can’t read.
Sophie L.: we can write our name but they can’t.

We think that you all showed good thinking skills coming up with some clever ideas. You were also very good at thinking of examples of animals who could do some of these things, for example, Reagyn told us that crickets make music and Conan said that monkeys can hold hands. I wonder if anyone can come up with any other clever ideas?

Harvest Thank You

Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, linked our recent family activity to our Harvest celebration and Carmen, Tom and Sophie’s Mums have all commented on our photos.

“Carmen and I really enjoyed this session. She got to learn all about food and were it comes from. I got to cut out the pictures and Carmen stuck them down. Thank you Eileen xx”

“It was lovely to see my mummy here.”

“It was lovely coming to family day, so nice to see Sophie in her school environment!”

We have all enjoyed hearing about the wide range of things that the children have chosen to say ‘thank you’ for on their Harvest baskets. You may recognise some of these from our Harvest celebration but we thought that they were lovely to share.

Darcy U.: thank you for my friends and sweeties and elephants
Teigan: thank you to my Mummy for my brother Logan
Mikey: thank you for toast
Jayden: thank you for my friends
Zachary: thank you for my racing cars and my Daddy and my police car
Freya: thank you to my Mummy for coming to Nursery to help me make my Harvest basket
Sophie D.: thank you for my lovely clothes and my family and for having a great friend Amy-Leigh
Darcey G.: thank you for my new shoes
Jakub: thank you for my family
Dan: thank you for all the food and my puppy from Fraser
Ava W.: thank you for tomatoes, bananas, my family and my friends
Sophie L.: thank you for pasta and holidays, for my family and friends and green apples.

Arcimboldo Autumn Artists

As part of our learning about Autumn we have looked at some of the work of the artist Arcimboldo. We looked closely at his “Autumn” portrait to see how he used food to depict the seasons as faces then we used food to make our own portraits. Here are some our comments on Arcimboldo’s painting of “Autumn”:

Reagyn: that’s awesome. I can see leaves and they’ve got berries joined on – it’s like tadpole eggs.
Logan: it’s a funny face ’cause it’s got fruit.
Roxy: there’s leaves and it’s like they’re falling off the tree like Autumn.
Lexi: he’s got an apple face
Rebecca: I think it’s funny ’cause he did it all himself.
Darcy: there’s a pumpkin on his face.

The children were very enthusiastic to make their own Arcimboldo style portraits. We hope that you enjoy our Arcimboldo gallery.
Click on a photo to make it bigger.

Bring A Bear Day

We had some very special visitors to the Sunshine Room one day last week as Miss Murray asked the children to bring in their favourite bears as part of a Listening and Talking activity. The children were excited to tell us about their bears and the bears certainly seemed to enjoy their time in Nursery.
We thought that you would enjoy some of the children’s comments and photos of our special visitors.

Deryn: it’s Gizmo. I got it on holiday.
Ava: it’s George. He’s on the tele’. He stays on my bed.
Logan: Barney sleeps on my bed. We’ve got bunk beds. I like him ’cause he can dance.
William: his name’s Patch because he’s got his name on his collar. He can do flips.
Robbie: I love her. She’s called Sky.
Roxy: I love her ’cause I can cuddle her. She’s called Lucy and she’s got glasses, clothes and a hat.
Fearne: he’s Neville. He sleeps in my bed and plays with me in the morning. He sits on my pillow.
Rebecca: I got it when I was a baby. I cuddle up with it in my bed.

Let’s Think About Our Rules

Now that we are settling into Nursery life, we have been talking about the need to have rules. We read stories about sharing and what happens when we have no rules then the children gave their suggestions about what our rules should be.

Dan: sharing and being nice ’cause it makes people happy.
Oscar: don’t shout ’cause you get sore ears.
Zachary: don’t run or you’ll get hurt.
Riley: no crying.
Freya: no pushing ’cause you might fall in the garden.
Reagyn: no hitting.
Sophie S.: don’t run – you’ll hurt your face.
Amy-Leigh: be nice and play together.
Tom: always wash your hands before snack.
William: be friends.
Ava W.: use your listening ears.

The children did come up with some very good ideas. Our rules are now on display in the Nursery and cloakroom areas. You could ask the children to tell you what they are. I wonder who will remember them?

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