Kandinsky Gallery

After being introduced to the work of the artist Kandinsky, Nursery children are now keen to produce a piece of artwork in his style. Some have worked hard to mix colours, some have used pens but there’s no doubt that many of the children have developed an enthusiasm to produce Kandinsky style art. We hope that you enjoy our little gallery below.
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Kandinsky Comments

We have been looking at these pieces of work by the artist Kandinsky this week. The children have talked about they can see in his paintings and have been thinking about whether they prefer his paintings or those of Arcimboldo who they learned about last term.
Bethany: he’s done twirls just like a princess (picture 1)
Zachary: it’s like eyes that are green and lots of colours (picture 1)
Freya: there’s squares and there’s purple. I love it. (picture 1)
Kailey: Arcimboldo’s the best ’cause it’s more stuff like food.
Ava V.: I like Kandinsky because I like the swirls.

Dan: it’s got flags and spots that look like the moon.(picture 2)
Riley: it’s like a flag (picture 2)
Bethany: it looks like a walker for a baby (picture 2)
Theo: it’s got a yellow head (picture 3)
Sophie S: it’s all spots and a head (picture 3)
Zachary: Arcimboldo’s the best.
Kailey: I like it. I like the greeny blue bit. (picture 3)
Dan: it looks like a shark’s back. It’s got shapes and the fin of a shark.(picture 3)

Kandinsky Chat

This week we found out a little about the artist, Kandinsky. It was quite tricky trying to say his name and some of us just called him “Kandy” which was a bit easier. A few children thought he looked as old as Robert Burns and wondered if they knew each other because both their pictures looked old. 

Once we had made our painting in the style of Kandinsky, we talked about our work and compared it to Kandinsky’s painting. Here are some of our ideas. 

  • It looks like snow’s coming down and it’s raining with red and blue.
  • They look like pizza shapes.
  • It makes me think of rainbows. It’s quite like Kandinsky’s.
  • They look like colourful holes.
  • They are kind of different ‘cause we have different colours of paint in Hecklegirth.
  • You can put other colours on top of colours to make it different.
  • Everybody’s done lovely colours that I like.
  • It looks like a rainbow swirl.
  • It’s the same as his but kind of different colours.
  • I think thunder’s coming down.
  • It makes me think they’re lovely.

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