Anyone For Skittles?

Working as a team, sharing and taking turns are all important attributes that the children learn in Nursery and these children showed all these attributes when they created their own skittles type game outdoors. It was wonderful to watch them as they worked so well together at the same time as having great fun.

Outdoor Helpers

Callum’s family has been looking at the photos of the children helping in the digging area:

“Callum told me he had his photo taken outside. What a great photo it is with all his friends. He told me he had a great time helping outside. He said he was helping lifting the soil. He says he was strong and had big muscles. He is loving nursery especially playing outside.”

They were a great little team helping each other. We are all having a busy time outdoors at the moment and will share more photos soon. It’s good to hear that Callum’s enjoying outdoor play.

Good Teamwork

Some of the children have been showing themselves to be ‘effective contributors’ as they helped us in our outdoor mud kitchen. A new batch of compost and sand to fill our digging area needed transported so the children took turns to push the trolley and make a delivery. Even one of our builders was kind enough to help us with our new water butt which we hope to have installed soon. Thank you to all our little helpers who worked so well as a team.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

New Shelter

shelterTowards the end of last year our new shelter was erected over the mud area and it has been very useful a few times recently when the rain has arrived unexpectedly. It’s hard to tell from this photo but it was actually raining here and the children thought it was strange that they were playing outdoors in the rain without suits on. They were very excited to play under the shelter, listening to the rain on the roof and were amazed that everything was still dry. Hopefully the children will be able to help us to develop this area further with their ideas over the next few months.

Looking After Baby

Danielle’s family liked the photo of her playing in the Nursery garden:

“Danielle loves all babys and prams so wasn’t surprised seeing this. Fab picture xx”

She certainly spent a lot of time looking after her baby. Thank you for leaving a comment. It’s good to know that parents are looking at our blog to see what the children have been doing in Nursery.

Outdoor Play

Most of the children have taken the opportunity of the lovely weather to explore the outdoor area so they are beginning to learn how to change their shoes and put on outdoor suits when required. Luckily the weather has been so warm that they have not been needed most days. Some children are developing their confidence on the big climbing frame, others have been designing roads or making magic potions in the mud kitchen. The outdoor area is certainly a very popular place to play.

Outdoor Learning

“Building the Curriculum 2: active learning in the early years, 2007” says ‘All aspects of the curriculum can be explored outside. The sights, sounds and smells of the outdoors, the closeness to nature, the excitement most children feel, the wonder and curiosity all serve to enhance and stimulate learning.’

Our outdoor area is certainly popular all year round, regardless of weather, but when the sunshine comes out, nearly all children choose to spend most of their Nursery session in the garden exploring a range of activities. As you can see, the children demonstrate great imagination and teamwork in the play they create. Dens are built, gross and fine motor skills are developed, a fantastic range of meals is created in the mud kitchen and, of course, there are always jobs to do like watering the plants and painting the house. We hope that you enjoy this little gallery of the afternoon children busy learning in the summer sunshine.

Butterfly Thoughts

The Sunshine Room children have also had discussions about where our butterflies might have gone when we left them on the flowers. We would like to share their thoughts.

Lexi: to a nest.

Neve: to some sandcastles.

Wareeshah: to a flower for food.

Lucy: they might go to a shop – it might be a perfume shop.

Henley: they’ll go to get fruit from Tesco.

Mollie: if it rains a leaf roof would shelter them.

Gabriel: they go to a butterfly house made of flowers.

Harper: to butterfly world.

Tom: somewhere warm. Maybe in a hole in a tree.

Hannah: to a flower garden.

Courtney: in a shed.

Erica: to the beach.

Ellie: to a house.

Aoife: in a tree.

What lovely ideas the Sunshine children had. We hope that our butterflies are safe and happy.

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