Getting excited about Primary 1

It’s amazing how quickly the term is disappearing and we are already at that point where Primary 1 teachers are visiting us in Nursery to get to know the children who will be in their class next year. It’s so exciting for everyone to meet their teacher and it helps to build the children’s confidence for the next big step in their lives. We are very lucky to have had visits from several teachers who have kindly taken the time to visit us at such a busy time and we look forward to more visits soon. We managed to take a snapshot of Miss Houston this week, meeting the pupils who will go to Elmvale Primary in August.

Hecklegirth’s Happy Hairdressers

Our much visited flower shop has now become a hairdresser’s salon and it’s a very busy little place. Miss Boyd and Mrs. Kirkpatrick have both had “the full works” this week and came out of the experience with wonderful hairstyles, crafted by our budding young stylists. Parents and family members are welcome to come in for a visit to join in the fun: just put your name on the “Come and Play” grid in the cloakroom, as always. We can guarantee you will leave “Hecklegirth Hairdresser’s” feeling like a million dollars as the children will continually tell you how fantastic you look.

Staying Safe

PC Leggat paid us a visit this week to talk about staying safe on the roads and “stranger danger”. Everyone already knew him from our visit to the police station so the children were very confident to talk about their ideas. We had a very interesting discussion about what a stranger is and how we know if someone is a stranger. The children demonstrated super thinking skills and most had good strategies of what to do if they got separated from their parents or a stranger approached them. Thank you, as always, to PC Leggat who has helped the children feel that police officers are friendly and helpful.

Storytelling with Primary 5

The last day before our long Easter week-end brought a surprise visit to Primary 5 who had invited us to hear their fairy tales. It’s a long walk up the stairs to Primary 5 but it was well worth it as their stories were brilliant. Nursery children sat beautifully and showed what very good listeners they are and Primary 5 were wonderful story tellers. Huge thanks go to Miss Dennis and Primary 5 for their kind invitation. We had a great time.

Looks like they were good stories.

Springtime Fun

It’s been lovely to see everyone back in Nursery this week after our holidays and what a great week we’ve had. With the gorgeous weather, we have been spending lots of time outdoors. We had some new bubble makers to try out and we were learning how to do good throwing.                                                                                           


Milly and Timmy Come to Play

We hope you like the latest visitors to our Nursery. The children loved meeting Milly and Timmy who were very patient and allowed us to stroke and feed them. We hope you enjoy some of our comments and photos of our latest visitors.

Sarah  They’re really cute. They’re littler than a tiny star and they’re not  pretend.

Nairn  I’m going to take my bike and work on the farm and when it’s dark and the lambs run away, I’m going to bring them back to the farm.

Poppy   They were both looking right at me. They’re so cute.

Ellie    One had a sore knee. I hope it gets better.

Summer  We fed the little lambs and one tried to go to sleep.

Niamh  I liked patting them. They felt soft.


Out and About in the Community

As we have been learning about our community and the people who work in it, we recently paid visits to our local sorting office and police station.

On Red Nose Day local fire officers visited Nursery and we had great fun trying out the hose on the fire appliance, as well as learning how to stay safe. The firefighters joined in the fun, borrowing silly hats for Red Nose Day.

The children enjoyed this taster of the world of work and several hope to be postal workers, firefighters or police officers in the future although our discussions have revealed that many also have dreams of becoming a princess or a pirate.


We Love to Sing

We like to practise singing using the microphone.

We sing in Nursery every day so we thought we would let everyone hear what we sound like. These are two of our favourite songs. Well done to Eva and Sarah for introducing “Wind the Bobbin Up”. Please leave a comment to tell us what you think of our singing.

twinkle_twinkle_little_star                       wind_the_bobbin_up

Visit to Primary 4

This week we were invited to visit Primary 4 to see their work on Annan. In Nursery we have been learning about our local community so it was interesting to see what the older children had found out. The boys and girls in Primary 4 looked after us very well and told us all about their newspapers and wonderful displays. Nursery children were good listeners and showed great confidence in the wider school environment. Thank you very much to Miss Cameron and Primary 4 for making us feel so welcome.

Our Special Books

Have a look at your special book!

The children’s “special books” will be sent home next week, prior to our parental consultations. The personal learning plan is a shared document between children, parents/carers and the Nursery staff to celebrate the children’s learning and development during their time in Nursery. We encourage parents to record any achievements from home that they feel are important for their child. Lately, for example, we have been able to record someone learning to ride their bike without stabilisers, which we all know is a wonderful landmark in every childhood and deserves pride of place in this record of achievements.

 We would like to remind parents/carers that these books are on display to browse at any time. The children often look at them during the Nursery session and love to show them to their families. However, we hope that everyone enjoys having their “special book” home for a few days.

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