Get Well Soon Miss Kerr

We thought we would send a message to Miss Kerr to get well soon as we are missing her. Nate and Kailey have recorded a little message for you Miss Kerr and the children in the Rainbow Room sang a song to cheer you up. We hope it does the trick and that you are starting to feel a little better.
Click on the + sign to hear us.

“Twinkle Twinkle Christmas Star”

The children have been learning some Christmas songs to perform to their families and we decided to take to the stage to have a little practice of using our big singing voices. We hope that you enjoy this video clip which should put you in the mood for Christmas.

Simply click on ‘Play’ to see the morning children practising one of their songs.

Xmas 2012

Making Music Together

In the past week the children have been learning how to use musical instruments correctly. This has brought lots of excitement and impromptu performances as the children have decided to form bands. Some have been marching bands and some have simply gathered round a table and agreed what songs to perform under the leadership of a conductor. It has been great to see the children grow in confidence and work so well together without adult intervention.
We managed to capture some of those moments on camera to show the children on the Promethean board and thought that you might like to see them.

Click on the screens below to see two of our little bands.

When I Grow Up

Recently we enjoyed a book called “When I Grow Up” and we talked about what jobs we might like to do when we are grown up. To help practise all important talking skills some children recorded their ideas using the microphone. We hope that you enjoy the small selection below. To see more of the children’s ideas, look in our “Thinking Books” in the book area of Nursery.

Turn up the volume and click on the  +  sign to hear their ideas.

VOICE043         VOICE041       VOICE040       VOICE038

VOICE028         VOICE025       OICE024

More Fiddle Fun

As promised, Mrs. Roberts came back to talk to the morning children about the fiddle.  Like the afternoon children, they enjoyed singing along while Mrs. Roberts played and as you can see from the photos, some of them enjoyed the opportunity to try out the little fiddle.

If you click on the link below and turn up your volume, you can hear the children enjoying a good old singalong.

am singing

Fiddle Fun

As part of our learning about Scottish culture, the afternoon children were invited to Primary 2/1’s classroom last week to learn about the fiddle. Mrs. Roberts told us about the different parts of it and how the sound comes out of it. She played us several Scottish tunes and then gave us a big surprise when she played a tune that we know. We all joined in with “Ye Cannae Shove Yer Granny Aff a Bus” then we managed to record it and listen back on to our singing on the computer which was great fun. If you turn up your volume and click on the link below you can hear the children singing along to Mrs. Roberts playing the fiddle.


Mrs. Roberts even helped some children hold the little fiddle and they were able to make some sounds with it. Maybe one day they will be able to play like Mrs. Roberts.

Thank you so much to Mrs. Roberts as well as Miss Cameron and Primary 2/1. We really enjoyed our visit to your classroom. Hopefully the morning children will be able to enjoy this experience with Primary 1 later in the week.

Autumn Has Arrived

As Summer slowly fades away, we have been learning about the signs of Autumn. We have enjoyed a variety of activities in Nursery and have spent time with our families, collecting things in nature which tell us that Autumn is here.

The children have been excited to show us their finds and most have shown confidence to sit in the Star Seat to talk to everyone about their Autumn “treasure”. We loved one little boy’s description of “going adventuring” to find chestnuts and brambles.

Here are some of the children’s thoughts on how we know it’s Autumn:

 Lee: the leaves change colour

Katie: it’s windy and a bit sunny.

Rhiannon: the weather gets dull.

Jaylin:  leaves curl and go brown.

Struan:  the leaves are red, yellow and orange.

Ryan:  leaves fall on the ground.

Mya:  flowers go and it’s windy.

Turn up the volume and click  below to hear our voices .

Autumn 1           Autumn 3          Autumn 2          

We Love to Sing

We like to practise singing using the microphone.

We sing in Nursery every day so we thought we would let everyone hear what we sound like. These are two of our favourite songs. Well done to Eva and Sarah for introducing “Wind the Bobbin Up”. Please leave a comment to tell us what you think of our singing.

twinkle_twinkle_little_star                       wind_the_bobbin_up

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