Happy New Term

Our new term starts for the children on Tuesday 8th January when we look forward to seeing everyone again. We will also be meeting lots of new children and feel sure that you will make them feel welcome in our Nursery. They will be excited to be starting Nursery and looking forward to making new friends so we hope that this is the beginning of a happy experience for them.

Staffing will stay the same in each room this term and the children will keep the same key workers as previously. However, rather than alternating weeks in each room, Miss Awde, our Modern Apprentice, will be working in the Sunshine Room up to the February break and will finish the term in the Rainbow Room.

We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.

Building Materials

Last week we took delivery of a huge pile of wood, thanks to Mr. Raymond Kerr of Kerr’s Sawmill. The children loved being in charge of these new building materials and helped to organise them in the Nursery garden. Almost immediately, several children showed great imagination and started to build their own dens, leading the way in the play and guiding others in good teamwork.
We would like to thank Mr. Kerr for his generous donation and look forward to many happy hours of problem-solving, construction and den building in the Nursery garden.

More Party Photos

As promised, here are some photos of the afternoon children having fun at their party on Wednesday. Don’t they look fantastic in their party clothes?

We would like to wish all our children and their families a Happy Christmas. We want to thank you for your support this term and look forward to seeing you all at the start of next term which is January 8th for the children.
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Party Fun!

Dancing, games and party food make for a good Christmas party and we had them all at our parties. The children had planned their games and helped to make some of the food which made it more exciting for them. Most of them certainly seemed to enjoy the cakes and jellies that they had made themselves.
The children’s behaviour was excellent and it was lovely to see the children from the Rainbow and Sunshine Rooms playing happily and confidently together. Santa had promised that, if their singing was good enough, he would come to the party and everyone seemed very pleased to see him. One or two even took the chance to slip a last minute letter to him, just as a reminder for next week. Thank you, Santa, for taking time to visit us at such a busy time for you.

The photos below give you a taste of our morning party. Photos of the afternoon party will follow soon.

Singing With Smiles

What wonderful smiles the children had when performing Christmas songs to their families on Friday. The last minute phone call from Santa in the Sunshine Room seemed to produce some lovely singing so we hope that he keeps his side of the bargain and is able to come to our party on Wednesday.
With around 200 family members in the audience between the two performances, we think that the children have certainly shown how their confidence has grown since they started in Nursery. They were so excited to perform on the stage and we hope that you enjoyed it as much as they did.

Here are some photos of the children getting ready for their performance.

“Twinkle Twinkle Christmas Star”

The children have been learning some Christmas songs to perform to their families and we decided to take to the stage to have a little practice of using our big singing voices. We hope that you enjoy this video clip which should put you in the mood for Christmas.

Simply click on ‘Play’ to see the morning children practising one of their songs.

Xmas 2012

What a Star!

Congratulations to last week’s Star Award winner for giving some very thoughtful answers when we were talking about our feelings and how we express them. This can be a tricky thing to talk about when you’re three or four years old so well done. We can certainly tell from looking at his face how he feels about getting a certificate.

Finlay and his Mum had fun

Another lovely comment about Eileen’s Family Learning activity from Finlay’s Mum. It sounds like everyone’s had a good time.
“Finlay loved decorating his footprints for the Diwali activity, it was such a fun morning with Eileen and the other children and their Mummy and Daddy’s, I think I had just as much fun as Finlay with the glitter. Thank you Eileen.”

Family Fun

It was great to see lots of parents and children taking part in our recent Family Learning activity which linked to our learning about Diwali. As promised, here are some photos of you decorating your footprints and some lovely examples of your designs. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves so we hope that you’re looking forward to Eileen’s next activity.
In the meantime, remember that you can collect an activity sack on a Thursday to take home for the week.

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