Bring and Buy Sale

Recently Nursery morning children were invited to a “Bring and Buy Sale” by P5/4. As you can see, it was a busy and exciting event where there was lots for the children to spend their money on. Some chose toys and books, others preferred the cake stall but most found something they wanted to buy.
It was tricky managing to work out which coins we needed but P5/4 were very patient and helpful with all our children. Thank you to everyone in P5/4 for inviting us to your very well organised event, for your lovely manners and for your kindness and patience with the Nursery children. We would also like to congratulate you on raising over £230 for Guide Dogs for the Blind – you should be very proud of yourselves.
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Get Well Soon Miss Kerr

We thought we would send a message to Miss Kerr to get well soon as we are missing her. Nate and Kailey have recorded a little message for you Miss Kerr and the children in the Rainbow Room sang a song to cheer you up. We hope it does the trick and that you are starting to feel a little better.
Click on the + sign to hear us.

Photo Comments

The children seem to have enjoyed our learning about Scotland this term and we hope that you’ve had a good flavour of our activities through the blog as well as our displays. Two families have made recent comments on the children’s photos which we’d like to share with you:

“Shay looks great dressed like a piper.”
He did look wonderful and he did so well telling the children in both Nursery rooms all about his outfit. Thank you Shay.

“Great picture of Ollie painting his tartan. He has really enjoyed the Scottish theme over the past few weeks”.
Ollie certainly does seem to have enjoyed this theme. He was particularly good at talking about the different foods and remembering their Scottish names. Well done Ollie.

Burn’s Day

On Thursday we enjoyed a great celebration for Burn’s Day with shortbread, oatcakes and cheese and, of course, our toast with Irn Bru. We appreciate everyone making a super effort to provide the children with ‘a touch o’ tartan’: it certainly added to the occasion and they all looked wonderful.
Thank you to everyone who came to hear us singing with Primary 1. It’s so important for the children to have an appreciative audience for their performance and you certainly helped to make it a great occasion for them. Hopefully these photos reflect how much the children seemed to enjoy themselves.
Thank you, as always, for everyone’s support and lovely comments.

Fun with the Fiddle

As part of our learning about Scottish culture, Primary 2 joined us last week in two visits and we all learned about the fiddle. Mrs. Roberts told us about the different parts of it and how the sound comes out. She played us several Scottish tunes which we all enjoyed clapping along to and then we had a little sing-song when she played a few familiar tunes.
Mrs. Roberts even helped some children hold the little fiddle and they were able to make some sounds with it. Maybe one day they will be able to play like Mrs. Roberts.
Thank you so much to Mrs. Roberts and Primary 2 for sharing this experience with us. We all learned lots and had great fun.
Click then double click on a photo to make it bigger.

Burns Celebration

We would like to remind you that we will be holding our Nursery Burns celebrations tomorrow. Once the children have enjoyed their “Burns Supper”, we will sing the Scottish songs that we’ve been learning to finish off our celebrations. Please remember that you are invited to come in to hear the children sing at the end of the Nursery session at either 11.20 or 2.50. We look forward to seeing lots of parents to give the children an audience.

Our New Children Settle In

We are nearly at the end of our second week of the term already and our new children are settling in well in each room. As you can see, they are beginning to find out where everything is and are enjoying a range of activities. Thank you to all the other boys and girls for making them feel welcome. We hope that our new families enjoy using our blog to get a feel for life in Hecklegirth Nursery.

Corey and his Mum enjoy our blog at home

Corey and his Mum have been looking at our blog and have left us some comments.

“Brilliant picture Corey it looks great on mummy’s cupboard with all the rest”.

“I like seeing my photos of me at nursery at home it’s cool and all my friends too my favourite thing is playing hide an seek with everyone”.

I’m glad you like looking at our photos at home Corey and that you like seeing everyone from Nursery. I’ve noticed that you enjoy hide and seek both indoors and out in the garden. I hope that you keep having fun every day.

Mischa Impresses Miss Wilson and Mrs. Johnston

Our learning at the start of this term has focussed on Winter and Mischa has impressed both Miss Wilson and Mrs. Johnston from Primary 6 with her story telling and drawing about Winter as well as her excellent talking skills. If you click on the photo you will see Mischa’s super drawing of a penguin and a polar bear about to go into his house.
Mischa showed herself to be a ‘confident individual’ when she talked to Miss Wilson about her drawing, earning herself a Head Teacher’s sticker and her work being displayed on the Achievement Board in the dinner hall. She then spoke with great confidence to Mrs. Johnston who was so impressed that she took Mischa to Primary 6 to borrow some interesting books about icy lands and penguins. Thank you very much Mrs. Johnston for the books which Mischa shared with her group. We hope that you enjoyed Mischa’s guided tour of our ice cave and that you will come back and visit us soon.
Very well done Mischa for some fantastic work. You certainly deserved that Head Teacher’s sticker.

Happy Days

Ollie and his family have commented that they are happy to be back in Nursery:

“Ollie had a great time at nursery in the lead up to Christmas. He enjoyed his break but we are all happy to return to ”normality’. He was excited to return to nursery today and is full of stories. Due to sickness I was unable to join in in a nursery session so hopefully I will manage one this term. Keep up the good work everyone. Love ollie, Wendy and Stuart hamilton”

We look forward to you coming in to play one day and hope that lots of families continue to join in a session with us. We have a new sheet up in the cloakroom areas of each room so why not add your name to come and play one day (or more) this term?

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