Pedal Power

This week is “Big Pedal Week” at Hecklegirth and there was certainly lots of pedalling happening on Monday when many of the children brought their bikes and scooters to Nursery. As you can see, they participated in great fun activities in the school playground under the guidance of some super volunteers. It was lovely to see that some Nursery children also joined us for a breakfast of yoghurt, cereal bars, fruit and a drink before their “Big Pedal” event.
Thank you to everyone who helped to organise this event and gave up their own time. The children had super fun and what a great way to keep fit and healthy. Remember we are continuing to count the numbers of bikes and scooters coming to Nursery each day this week so keep up the good work.
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Keen Gardeners

As we have been learning about the signs of Spring and we will soon be finding out how things grow, the children have been planting some flowers in the garden. As you can see, we had keen helpers who did careful planting and then watered the plants to help them grow. We will all have to remember to look after them over the next few weeks but you made a good start all you keen gardeners.

Church Visit

As part of learning about places in our community we started our term off with a walk to the United Reform Church this week. Rev. McGougan kindly invited us to his place of work to explore the building and learn what happens there. We found out what different objects in the church are used for and learned a little about its history. The careful climb up the staircase led to the upper part of the church where found out about the pews having been made from a shipwreck and were able to get a super view of the whole of the church.
Rev. McGougan also told us about lots of different groups that meet in the church hall through the week including a group that plays indoor curling. Children and adults alike all had a turn at aiming the curling stone at the target which was great fun and we finished off our visit with a look in the garden where Rev. McGougan showed us the beautiful birds that live there in big cages.
Thank you to Rev. McGougan for making us feel so welcome and to all the parents who came with us on our very interesting outing. Here are the morning children on their visit. We will post afternoon photos soon.

Big Pedal Week

Next week is Big Pedal week! Please come to school all week on your bike or scooter and encourage family and friends to do it with you.

On Monday 18th April we are having a free fun event with I Bike cycling officer, Katie Robinson and Annan Youth Cycling Group leading skills and competitions throughout the day. Please DO NOT travel by bike or scooter without a helmet.

During the day there will be the chance for pupils to take part in a variety of skills sessions to improve balance and co-ordination. We are also holding a Breakfast Club at 8.25 am in the school kitchen for those coming to school on their bike or scooter. The Bike Breakfast is a free breakfast for pupils who cycle or scoot to school on Monday. Breakfast will be served between 8:25 and 8:55am. Those who cycle or scoot will be given a breakfast of fruit, yogurt, juice and a cereal bar. Nursery children should be accompanied by an adult for the breakfast please.

New Term

We hope that everyone has enjoyed their holidays with their families. You will no doubt have lots of tales to tell us when you return. Nursery starts back tomorrow (Monday) when we look forward to welcoming three new children and their families. Starting times are as normal – a soft start between 8.45 and 9.10 for the morning children and 12.15 in the afternoon. We look forward to seeing you all then.

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