Time For Rhyme

We would like to draw your attention to our first Family Learning event of the year on Friday 4th September. Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, is planning “Time For Rhyme” sessions for you and your child to decorate rhyme bags and make some rhyme ‘props’.
A letter will be in your child’s tray in Nursery this week explaining Family Learning to everyone and you can sign up for the sessions, if you wish, on the grids on display on the Family Learning board in the Nursery corridor. We hope that lots of families take the opportunity to join in this fun activity.

Settling In

We hope that you are all looking forward to attending full Nursery sessions this week. If your child takes a little while to feel comfortable, please allow him/her time to take things at their pace: we, as adults, cope with change in different ways and at different rates and children are exactly the same. If you have any concerns about your child, please speak to staff who can offer you advice based on their experiences.  

Here are a few more photos of the children getting to know their new environment. If you would like to leave a comment please click on “Comments” under the post title of “Settling In” – we would certainly appreciate your contributions.


Dylan’s First Day

Dylan’s Mum has left us a lovely message:

“Dylan really enjoyed his first day yesterday and is looking forward to coming back today xx”

Thank you very much for taking the time to post a comment – we are delighted that Dylan enjoyed his first day. We would love it if lots of our families visited our blog to let us know what they think about Nursery.

First Day

We hope that everyone enjoyed their first day in Nursery. It has been lovely for us to see all the familiar faces from last year and to begin to get to know our new children and their families.
We are able to share a few photos of the children at play today. Once we have blog permission slips returned from everyone, we will able to share more photos and examples of the children’s work here so please remember to return your form if you wish your child to be part of the blog. We hope that you will find this a valuable insight into the life of our Nursery and that you can use the blog to add comments about your child’s experience.
Simply click on the word “comment” under the title of this post if you wish to leave your comments. Please be aware that these will not appear immediately, as they are monitored by the administrator before publication, but you should see your comment within a day or two.
Thank you to all our parents for working with us to ensure a smooth and happy start for the children.

Start of Term

We are looking forward to seeing everyone when Nursery starts on Thursday. It will be lovely to see the children who are returning for their second year and to get to know all our new children and their families.

We would like to remind you that morning sessions have a soft start (8.45-9.10) and children finish at 11.55 unless staying for a full day session. Afternoon children all start at 12.15 and should be collected between 3.00 and 3.25. Children attending for a full day finish at 3.05.

Please remember that, if this is your child’s first time in Nursery, we suggest he/she comes initially for one hour to help him/her to settle in. Red and green groups have been allocated 9 – 10 a.m. or 12.30 – 1.30 p.m. depending on their session. Blue and yellow groups have been allocated 10.30 – 11.30 a.m.  or 2 – 3 p.m. Your child’s group is shown on the letter you received confirming his/her place in Nursery.

We hope that you enjoy the last few days of the holidays and look forward to seeing you on Thursday.

The Nursery Team

It won’t be long now until the start of  an exciting new year in Hecklegirth Nursery. As in recent years, we will continue to run two Nursery classes and, to help prepare your child for the start of the new term, we thought that it may be useful to know which members of staff will be in each room.

This year Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Gray (a.m.) and Ms. Paterson (p.m.) will be based in the Rainbow Room while Miss Kerr, Miss Hamer and Miss McVicar will work in the Sunshine Room. Mrs. Carruthers and Miss Awde will alternate between rooms on a weekly basis and Mrs. Stott will spend time in both rooms. Photographs of most of our team can be seen if you click on the “Our Staff” link on the right. We hope that this is helpful and look forward to seeing everyone soon.

Language Programme

For those parents who have been using our English language programme to develop their child’s communication skills, I have now added books eleven and twelve to our blog. They can be found if you click on the link on the right that says “Learning English”. Parents who will be new to Nursery in a few weeks may also find this a helpful tool.
Although initially intended for children with English as an Additional Language, this programme could be useful for any child who needs a little help and encouragement to develop his/her language skills. We hope that these new books are useful to support your child’s learning at home.

Happy Reading

We hope that you are all enjoying your summer holiday with your families and that some of you are taking part in our Family Learning Reading Challenge. Lots of the suggestions look like great fun. I wonder if anyone’s read under a table or to their pet yet? Sitting on the grass or on a rug to read also sounds like a lovely challenge for sunny days. Remember to fill in the challenge sheet and return it to Nursery or your Primary 1 teacher by Friday 28th August to enter the prize draw to win a book token. Happy reading everyone!

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