Recent Events

Dylan’s family has been looking at some of our recent posts on the visit to church and the Big Pedal Week:

“Dylan really enjoyed his visit to the church, he fair talked about when he went up the steps with Luca and the bird garden that he saw x”

“This(Big Pedal Week) has been a great idea, was great to see so many children and parents out on their bikes and scooters, taking part, it has certainly encouraged Dylan to be out on his bike more and helping build his confidence x”

It’s great to hear that Dylan has been enjoying recent events in Nursery. It was lovely to see lots of bikes and scooters being brought in that week. Let’s hope that lots of you keep up with your cycling and scooting especially as the warmer weather hopefully starts to appear. The more you practise the better you get.

Picnic Snack

Olivia’s family has been looking at the photos of the children having snack outdoors recently:

“Olivia loved having a ‘picnic snack’ as she called it!”

It seems so strange that we were eating outdoors in the sunshine last week and yesterday the children were all out trying to catch hailstones in boxes as they played. Let’s hope that we are back to ‘picnic snack’ soon.


Superhero Day seemed appropriate for the end of Big Pedal Week and lots of the children came dressed as fantastic superheroes to celebrate the end of a great week of cycling and scooting to school. The art and craft area was particularly busy as some of the children decided to make their own masks and capes to create their own individual superhero outfit. We think that you all looked great!

The Magic of Colours

One of our areas of focus this term has been colour mixing and the children had great fun experimenting with this on a big scale outdoors last week. Their initial task was to make big bowls of paint of different colours then they experimented to see what happens when you add varying amounts of other colours to the original paint. A wonderful array of colours was produced until, mysteriously and slowly, it all seemed to transform into a muddy brown. The children showed good communication skills, as they predicted what would happen, made suggestions of what to do next and then discussed the outcome of their experimenting. Happy learning indeed!
Click then click again on the photos for a clearer view.

Sunshine Church Visit

The Sunshine Room children had their visit to Rev. McGougan’s church last week and enjoyed learning all about the church and what happens there. Everyone was interested in the beautiful Noah’s ark so Rev. McGougan has kindly arranged to come in to Nursery to talk to the children about the story. Thanks again to all those parents who accompanied us on our visit and to Rev. McGougan for giving us so much of his time. We look forward to his visit soon.


staffWe would like to welcome Mrs. Tracey Shaw to the Nursery team. She will be working on Fridays in the Sunshine Room while Miss Awde is off on maternity leave and has also been providing us with some cover in the Rainbow Room in the past week. Mrs. Shaw has been getting to know the children over the past week or two and we hope that she enjoys her time with us.

Scooting Fun

Thom and Olivia have had fun during “Big Pedal Week” judging by the comments from their families:

“Thom really enjoyed it but because he brought his scooter he wants to bring his bike next time to learn new tricks!”

“Olivia has had a fantastic week bringing her scooter to nursery! She even went to bed wearing her helmet on monday night!!! A great idea and lovely to see all the children showing such enthusiasm!”

I wonder if Olivia had lovely dreams about scooting? It was great to see such a fantastic response to this week and we hope that lots of you continue to cycle or scoot to Nursery.

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